Some people love to look in the mirror and admire their reflection at the slightest opportunity as soon as a reflective surface presents itself. The worst part is that dust, fingerprints or other dirt mar this pretty reflection! However, mirrors can be difficult to clean, because one wrong move or one bad product quickly leaves even more marks and amplifies this neglected appearance. How to clean a mirror? We give you 10 options without chemicals or wipes that will get your mirrors spotless. You will also surely find the suggested natural cleaning products in your cupboards!
Very often, the household products recommended for this cleaning are natural products also used to clean windows.
1) Hot water and newspaper to properly clean a mirror

Start by passing a cloth soaked in hot water then dry everything with newspaper. It’s hard to get more basic than that and yet… it works wonderfully even on the most complicated tracks! Also think about the squeegee and microfiber cloths which leave no trace.
2) Lemon juice

Start by dusting the mirror with a clean cloth. Then squeeze and filter the juice of half a lemon which you will use to soak a clean cloth to scrub the mirror. The citric acid it contains will tackle all stubborn stains! Otherwise, use white vinegar which will also work wonderfully on the shower door.
3) Dishwashing liquid

A simple dishwashing detergent (or black soap) and a wet sponge are more than enough to do the job. Plus, like shaving foam, it will limit fogging! Just remember to rinse this soapy water well then dry the mirror with a microfiber cloth.
4) Potato

Cut one in half and wipe it over the mirror to clean it. Its starch will remove all dirt. To rinse and dry, then wipe with a cloth soaked in water with a little vinegar (white vinegar, of course).
5) Black tea

Very effective for cleaning windows, it also works miracles on dirty mirrors. Prepare a strong black tea and use this liquid to soak the cloth with which you plan to clean. Use a chamois to dry the surface.
6) Toothpaste

If your mirror looks blurred with scratches or fogs up when you take a shower, apply toothpaste and gently polish the glass.
7) An onion

Cut an onion in half and use one half to clean the mirror. Insist a little on the greasy and dirty areas, the onion is excellent for that! Then rinse with warm lemon water and dry with a soft cloth (ideally microfiber).
8) Meudon white

This eco-friendly product is very effective on all dirty glass surfaces. Mix a little Meudon white with water to obtain a milky substance. You can spray on your mirror before rubbing then rinsing. Dry everything with a soft cloth to avoid scratches. Head to DIY stores to find some and obtain an impeccable result!
9) Glycerin

It helps prevent fog from settling on the mirror. Simply put some on a cloth and rub the bathroom mirror you want to treat. Glycerin can be purchased in DIY stores or in certain supermarkets offering a wide choice of household products.
10) Household alcohol

It is a product that allows you to shine and clean mirrors in seconds. Spray some on the mirror, then use a soft cloth to scrub.