Cleaning the floor is rarely fun! This is often a large area, which necessarily means more effort. In addition, not all floors are in the same boat when it comes to maintenance and what is suitable for one will not work for another made from another material. For all these reasons, little tips are always good to take!
1) Spray a little water in the shovel so that the dust stays there.
This way, they won’t fly everywhere, giving you twice as much work to collect!

2) Put some cinnamon in the palm of your hand and suck it up!
There will be a nice spicy smell in the room instead of the dusty smell that often spreads when you vacuum.

3) Keep your used tea bags aside and steep them in a bucket to clean your wooden floor.
Discover other ideas for recycling your tea bags by clicking on this link.

4) Stop buying wipes for your broom! Prefer to use old, soft socks.
A spin in the machine and you can reuse them. This solution is more economical, allows you to recycle an old pair of socks and therefore creates less waste!

5) Make your homemade floor product with the juice of a lemon, a tablespoon of grated soap and a small cup of white vinegar in hot water.

6) To efficiently store your shovels and brooms, use a hook and a self-locking link
You can hang everything on the back of a door or on a wall for incomparable space saving and practicality.

7) To fill a bucket easily, you can use the shower head or an insulating sleeve slipped over the faucet.

8) A clean shovel can also do the trick to fill your bucket!

9) To find a small lost object, use a piece of old pantyhose attached to the vacuum cleaner hose and held with an elastic band.
It’s perfect for the earring that was lost in the carpet or under the sofa!

10) Make a powder to refresh your carpet with simple ingredients. Sprinkle, leave for two hours and vacuum!
Find the easy powder recipe on this link!

11) Use Coca-Cola to remove an oil stain from the garage floor!
Pour over, leave to act and rinse with clean water. Otherwise, you can also try the technique that uses bicarbonate. It is developed right here.

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