Toothpaste cleans… teeth obviously! However, in addition to oral hygiene and the removal of dental plaque, we can find other malignant uses for it than simple brushing of teeth. Moreover, inspirations abound on the web to give this toothpaste all its letters of nobility. To clean and remove stains with toothpaste, you should opt for the most classic and least expensive formulas. So, no need to opt for expensive brands or products with beads or crystals. Also, avoid the gel in favor of the basic thick paste and use your softest microfiber wipes. Do you have everything on hand? So, it’s time to take action!
1) You can clean marker marks on wooden furniture with toothpaste

It’s very simple (and very effective): apply a dab of toothpaste to a microfiber cloth. Then rub the ink until it disappears. Finally, rinse with clean water using a damp sponge or cloth.
2) If your silverware is dull, you can clean it with toothpaste.

By rubbing a little paste with a cloth, you will remove all the black deposits accumulated over time. After a good rinse, the silverware will shine again like the first day. Plus, it works just as well for cutlery as it does for pots and pans! Just be careful not to rub too hard so as not to scratch the pans.
3) To remove traces of soap on shower windows

Of course, it would take several tubes to make all the walls! However, a large dab of product will be enough if there are a few small marks in the corners. After rubbing in small circular movements, you can rinse with the shower head. As effective on bathroom tartar as against dental plaque!
4) From time to time, don’t hesitate to give your phone screen a big wipe with toothpaste.

To clean it with toothpaste, put an amount the size of a large flageolet on a soft cloth and rub gently.
5) As with silver, toothpaste will also make copper shine brightly!

6) Cleaning your plastic boxes with toothpaste will deodorize them by removing difficult stains.

So, if you forget your lunch box and find it stained with tomato sauce with the smell embedded, you will know what to do! Otherwise, there are other solutions such as lemon, baking soda and even the sun.
7) If your child has redecorated the walls with Crayola, wipe a cloth soaked in toothpaste over the writing!

8) To clean a CD or DVD and remove small scratches, rely on toothpaste once again!

Above all, rub gently so as not to do more damage!
9) To make taps shine, there is nothing like toothpaste.

After rubbing everything with a soft cloth, take the time to rinse well with clean water. To finish, gently dry the treated surfaces and watch your satisfied face reflected on this shiny surface again!
10) If your hands don’t smell good, you will need to clean them with toothpaste.

Indeed, with its fresh and minty scents, it chases away bad odors in no time. Smells of onions, garlic or fish should be avoided. Little tip: apply a moisturizer afterwards to prevent your skin from drying out.
11) It’s also a great jewelry cleaner

In our article dedicated to cleaning jewelry, we already talked about the different techniques to make them shine. And of course, toothpaste was on that list! Unfortunately, we don’t dare use it on our jewelry for fear of it being too abrasive. However, it works wonders on gold, diamonds and silver. On the other hand, never use it on pearls and precious stones. These are the only restrictions!
12) And finally, use it to deodorize and polish your sinks!

As with the faucets, cleaning with toothpaste brings shine with just a few scrubs! And if your sink smells bad because of food residue, it should quickly regain a fresher, neutral scent.
Good to know: You can also slip a pierced tube of toothpaste into the tank to keep the toilet fresh! Enough to no longer confine this product to dental hygiene and teeth whitening!