We often have a bottle of hydrogen peroxide in our bathroom to disinfect wounds and this use can give some ideas on the household level to obtain a cleaner house! Moreover, there are lots of little-known uses for this product and these will give you another vision of this water like no other!
Note that it is counterproductive to prepare the household solutions described in the article in advance, because hydrogen peroxide quickly loses its properties in contact with air and light. Only pour it and use it at the last moment to ensure its effectiveness.
1) Water your plants with
Oxygenated water is found naturally in rainwater and this explains why plants look so beautiful and green outdoors after a downpour. Mix 500 ml of water with 30 ml of hydrogen peroxide and water the seeds you have just planted to give them something to grow well!

2) Rinse your fruits and vegetables perfectly
Spray hydrogen peroxide on it, rinse with clean water and enjoy! You can also bathe everything in a mixture of one liter of water with 250 ml of hydrogen peroxide for a few minutes before rinsing.

3) Pour some into the bottom of your compost bin
With a bottom of a few centimeters, your compost will decompose more slowly so you can make fewer trips to the compost bin and the odors will be much less strong.

4) Give your sponges and rags a clean look
To make sure they don’t spread germs all over the kitchen, spray them with hydrogen peroxide and leave them at the bottom of the sink. You will then surely see a few bubbles forming… a sign that the disinfection is working!

5) Add a good splash to your regular dishwasher detergent to make it more effective
This will fight bacteria present in the appliance and on the dishes while reducing food residue stuck on the dishes!

6) Clean just about everything
Use hydrogen peroxide as a classic multifunction cleaner on worktops, windows, etc.! Spray a little product on the surface to be cleaned and wipe with a cloth. To disinfect an area, you can also leave the product on for a few minutes. If you are worried that it may not be compatible with certain surfaces, test on an inconspicuous area first.

7) Find perfectly clean cooking plates and pans
We have mentioned on several occasions the magical combination of baking soda and hydrogen peroxide on stains. You can use it on oven trays where food is encrusted and on the bottom of pans which always end up burnt. Sprinkle a layer of bicarbonate, spray with hydrogen peroxide, leave to act and scrub.

8) Clean your brushes with a mixture of water with a little foaming product and hydrogen peroxide.

9) Disinfect and sanitize your toothbrushes
They go in the mouth, a place where germs are legion and even more so when you have been sick! A small bath in a half-filled glass will remove odors and bacteria.

10) For white tile joints again
We’ve already told you, but there is nothing more magical on tile joints than a mixture of hydrogen peroxide, bicarbonate and dishwashing detergent that you apply, leave on, rub and rinse GOOD !

11) Against difficult stains on clothes
It is a good alternative to bleach. Mix two parts of it with one part of dishwashing liquid and apply this to the stains after blotting the biggest one with a paper towel. Scrub the mark with an old toothbrush and leave for 5 to 10 minutes before putting the garment in the washing machine. If you are afraid that it will not be compatible with certain fragile fabrics, do the test on an inconspicuous area.

12) Clean your toilet
Many people use bleach to clean toilets when all they do is disinfect and whiten stains without cleaning anything (hence the impression of cleanliness…). You can easily replace this product with hydrogen peroxide which is much less harmful! Pour and spray a little all over the toilet, leave for a few hours and brush before flushing.

13) Whiten laundry even better than bleach
In the bleach compartment of your machine, with the detergent or in the laundry, add 250 ml of hydrogen peroxide to whiten your laundry effectively and remove all the small stains.

14) Add it to bath water for a detox effect

It’s perfect when you’re not feeling well! Be careful not to leave your hair bathed in it otherwise you will end up with a new color.
Videos used: Howdini; OneCrazyHouse; Clean My Space
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