There are no small savings. You know, small streams make big rivers. With lots of little tips that represent small amounts of money saved, you will make a big saving at the end of the month! Here are 14 tips to help you avoid wasting money using your washing machine. Better yet, by following all these tips and tricks, you will even be able to save money by doing your laundry while keeping your laundry clean!
The tip to remember: don’t hesitate to make your own ecological laundry detergent with baking soda and black soap as well as your own softener with white vinegar!
1. Use less detergent to save money
It seems so silly, but in reality, if you halve your detergent dosage, you will use half as much. And commercial detergents will remain just as effective! You will therefore buy half as much. It’s a simple calculation, but it is true that most of the stains are removed with water, the detergent remains to give good smells. When we see that the detergent bottle costs €10, we say to ourselves that it would be good to be able to do twice as many machines with it.
2. Use store brand detergents

No need to buy the most expensive brand. The detergents are the same. Sometimes, like many products sold in supermarkets, the product is identical in the private label bottle as in the cans of well-known brands. So, you only pay for the packaging and the brand. The difference is enormous between the distributor brand and the well-known brand and it can go from simple to triple! If you use tip number 1 in addition, it will already save you a lot of money! Otherwise, you can create your own detergent with our tip!
3. Don’t wash if it’s not necessary
Here again, it seems very stupid and you say to yourself that it is obvious. But yet, it’s not so obvious! Sometimes you try on clothes that you throw in the dirty without having worn them. You can also wear jeans or a sweater several times before washing them. Clothes that are only worn to a dinner party are not necessarily worth washing. Think about this before starting your washing machine.

4. Use cold wash
Cold washing is very convenient when you don’t have large stains on your clothes. It is also recommended to avoid damaging fragile clothes. There is no need to always wash your clothes on hot. Moreover, switching from cold washing to hot washing, with one machine running every day, can save up to €150 per year (which is huge)!
5. Use a stain remover before washing
Yes! No need to wash hot if you use a stain remover! The traces will come off on their own when washing. In addition, if you don’t want to break the bank by paying too much for a stain remover in the store, use our tips to make a great homemade stain remover yourself!
6. Use a low temperature
Yes, because cold washing may not work. You should then prefer washing at a low temperature such as 30°C. First of all, like cold washing, this technique does not damage the clothes or make them shrink! Think about it next time, because this tip can save up to €50 per year!
7. Use a prewash

If you’re really unlucky and the previous 3 tips don’t work, use a prewash on your washing machine! With this tip, your clothes will be washed the first time with a little water. The advantage of this tip is that you don’t have to resort to a high temperature cycle which is more expensive and has a way of harming your beautiful wardrobe!
8. Use a laundry net
You probably have beautiful pieces in your wardrobe and you are afraid to put them in the washing machine! We understand you. You can use our tips for taking care of everyday objects, but you can also use a laundry net. Delicate clothes will last longer because they are protected from others during the wash cycle. This will save you from having to buy more. These are great savings!