It is said to be the nectar of the gods and symbolizes sweetness, happiness and longevity. Not only does it have the good taste that we love in cooking, but this natural antiseptic is also excellent for treating and beautifying you. Its therapeutic virtues are innumerable and we quickly understand why when we know how rich its composition is! A panoply of water, enzymes, organic acids, amino acids and minerals are hidden there, and just waiting for you to take full advantage of them. Choose it as pure, unprocessed and local as possible and try this beneficial elixir.
Beauty and health uses of honey
1) Honey for shiny and beautiful hair

Carefully dilute 1 tablespoon of honey in 250 ml of hot water and rinse your hair with it after shampooing. You can also put it on your ends to beautify them. Another idea: it is possible to use it as a shampoo. To do this, find the honey shampoo recipe here.
2) A honey beauty mask for the face
You can adapt your honey mask recipe according to your skin type (oily skin, combination skin, dry skin, acne-prone skin, etc.). However, the simplest and most suitable for all skin types is to mix a little honey and warm water in the palm of your hand and massage your face with this mixture. Leave a little on then rinse.
3) Honey against parasites (and tourists!)
Mix equal parts honey, water and apple cider vinegar and consume this drink to drive away parasites.
4) Honey to treat a cut

The use of honey on wounds is nothing new and is even a common process in some countries (for example in England, the United States and Germany), it is even found in hospitals and dispensaries for heal wounds that heal poorly and its antimicrobial power helps a lot. After cleaning the wound, you can spread the honey over your superficial cuts, scrapes or burns like a cream using a clean gauze or soft-edged spatula.
5) Against acne and white spots
Apply the honey directly to the pimple and leave for half an hour. Rinse and repeat the next day. You can also leave the honey on overnight under a bandage if you do not wish. In the early morning, you can rinse and notice that you can barely see anything!
6) To change traditional bath salts
Bath salts are very pleasant, stress-relieving and effective. However, for more softness, you can also opt for a honey bath! Make a mixture of 3 tablespoons of honey and two tablespoons of olive oil and put it all in your bath. Your skin will be very soft and the smell will be divine.
You can also put around ten teaspoons of honey in the bath with around ten drops of lavender or orange essential oil. Relaxing effect guaranteed!
7) Honey to de-stress

This is one way among others to use it. It has also been quite common in India for centuries to use bee nectar against nervousness. You can consume it alone or in a calming herbal tea (chamomile, fennel or lavender for example) to boost its effects.
8) For better digestion
Mix lemon, honey and ginger for better digestion. Thyme honey is also the best honey for digestion. You can consume it plain, or diluted in hot water or herbal tea.
9) A more than perfect lip balm
Melt 1 tablespoon of beeswax pastilles then add 1 tablespoon of organic coconut oil, a little pure, untreated honey, 2 vitamin E capsules and a few drops of essential oil (optional). , it’s for the smell!). Place everything in small jars and let cool and solidify.
10) Against insomnia and fatigue

Take a spoonful of salted honey to help you get back to sleep. You can also consume it as a treatment of two to three weeks or throughout the year as fuel for an energy boost, for example in the morning mixed with natural yogurt.
11) Against coughs and sore throats
Take honey pure or mixed with a little organic coconut oil. You can also mix it with hot milk or heat a cup of water with the juice of a lemon and put lemon in it before drinking. Also think about herbal tea made from licorice roots, sage or thyme. Excellent for the throat, these herbal teas are only better with honey.
12) A honey beauty mask for dry skin
What you need:
- Honey
- Lawyer
- sour cream
- Carrots
The steps:
1) Steam or boil a carrot. It must be soft enough to be able to puree it.
2) Cut an avocado in half and blend until the flesh is very smooth.
3) In a bowl, mix the blended avocado and carrot puree with a tbsp. has. s of thick crème fraîche + 3 teaspoons of honey
4) Spread everything over the face and neck and leave to act for 15 minutes. Rinse with lukewarm water.
13) Honey beauty mask for oily and problem skin
What you need:
- Thick natural organic yogurt (antibacterial)
- Oat flakes (absorb impurities)
- Honey (cleanses the skin)
The steps:
1) In a bowl, mix 2 to 3 tablespoons of yogurt, two tablespoons of oatmeal and one tablespoon of honey.
2) Apply this paste to the face and leave for 15 or 20 minutes. Before rinsing, use the oatmeal to gently exfoliate the skin: to do this, run your fingers over the face like a scrub.
3) Rinse with lukewarm water.
14) A top beauty scrub (for face and body!)

The honey scrub is ideal for dry skin and can be used from head to toe to remove impurities and dead skin.
What you need:
- Powdered sugar (or coarse salt)
- Organic plain yogurt
- Olive oil
- Honey
The steps:
1) In a container, mix 3 tbsp. has. s of honey, one of olive oil, another of organic yogurt and one of sugar (or salt).
2) Apply the mixture all over the body using large circular movements.
3) Rinse with lukewarm water and moisturize.