Attention foodies! The days when you can’t gorge yourself on chocolate incognito because of the rather visible stains you inevitably leave on your clothes are now over. Enthusiastic about this sweetness, you can indeed quickly have a small accident. In addition to wasting a drop/crumb of this precious brown gold to your greatest regret, you therefore have a stain to remove. We provide you with two simple techniques to achieve this. Try to apply them quickly so the stain doesn’t set in.
1) Lemon

Take fresh lemon or bottled lemon concentrate to carry out this operation. Simply squeeze the pulp of half a fresh lemon onto the stain or soak it in concentrated juice. You can then rub the stain on itself and put everything in the machine for around ten minutes.
2) White vinegar

This is the trick that works every time on the most difficult to remove stains. It’s quite simple: soak a cloth with this liquid and rub the stain. Then rinse in hot water, but not boiling, so as not to embed the stain in the fibers and to avoid the risk of damaging the fabric.
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