For some it is very easy: just add stain remover, leave it on and put it in the machine, but this technique will not suit those who prefer to favor more natural and less toxic solutions, and above all, it is not not infallible! And when the bottle of stain remover is finished, you have nothing left on hand. If stains are a daily struggle for you, finding the best solutions is definitely very important. To help you get rid of stains that annoy you, discover these 22 surprising solutions using everyday objects or foods. And if you know all of these elements well, we bet you had no idea that they could be used for such a purpose.
1) The cork on the wood

You probably have some lying around in your cupboards! They are very useful for removing marks on wood. You can erase marks on waxed wood by simply using it as an eraser. On dark wood, you can remove stains using the same method, just remember to burn the cork end before proceeding with the “scrubbing”.
After using these methods, you can use a little wax to restore shine.
2) A key against blood stains

Moist starch is great for blood stains, but the key you use to open and close the lock is also pretty magical. To remove a blood stain, moisten it with cold water (never hot) then rub the stain with the key.
3) Ash on a blackened jewel

Apply fireplace or cigarette ash to a microfiber cloth and use this to polish jewelry with black stains.
Also worth testing to make silverware shine! Discover other tips with ash right here.
4) Aspirin on a bloodstain

Moisten your patch with a little water and use that to scrub the stain. Then rinse the fabric with clean water.
Be careful, you cannot replace aspirin with paracetamol which does not have the same components!
5) Butter on a grease stain

Hard to believe, but the adage to fight evil with evil is true once again (like using oil against traces of dried oil). Apply butter to the grease stain, leave for a few minutes then absorb everything with a sheet of paper towel. Then use soapy water to remove the butter.
6) Coke on ink, blood or grease stains

If our articles talking about Coke as an excellent detergent haven’t put you off drinking it, then you have what you need in your fridge against stains. Put some on the stain, give the drink two hours to work and wash the stain with soapy water.
For greasy stains, you can also put coke in the drum and start a wash cycle.
7) Chalk against fat

To make the stain easy to spot, rub it with your chalk before putting the garment in the machine. The powder is very effective!