The stove is the place of all disasters: boiling water spurting out of the pan and food splashing are always there! And these stains are so difficult to remove that we force ourselves to use toxic products with ingredients with unpronounceable names, because we think that nothing else can help us. But in reality, more natural products can also be formidable as long as you know how to make the right combinations! Here’s a simple paste to make that will help you clean up all your cooking “mess” on the stove!
What you need:
- Baking soda
- Citrus essential oil (orange, etc.)
- Eau
The steps:
1) In a bowl, pour 15 g of baking soda.
2) Add water little by little until you obtain a paste.
3) Finish by adding 3 drops of essential oil.
4) Apply the paste to the area to be cleaned.
5) Use a sponge to scrub and finish by wiping.
Baking soda works as a mild abrasive. The essential oil helps degrease and fight bacteria. Plus the smell is very pleasant!
In picture:
