Pots, pans, bowls, cake molds, daubières, fish bowls… copper utensils are still relevant in kitchens. And for good reason, it is the material that best represents the charm of kitchens of yesteryear, provided of course that it shines.
The problem with copper utensils is that maintenance is a bit tedious. At least, that’s what you might think. It’s actually a lot simpler than it seems. As is often the case. And what’s more, we can do it naturally. What are the people asking for? Not much, ultimately.
1 — Baking soda, again and again
…And his best friend, lemon juice! Soak a cloth with this mixture and scrub your pans. Finally, dry everything with a clean, soft cloth. Shiny effect guaranteed! You can now get to cooking. What do we eat?

2 — Vinegar and coarse salt
Perhaps the best technique. Do you have coarse salt? Put a handful in a bowl. Then cover the salt with white vinegar (around 60 ml). Then take a little of the mixture with a sponge and gently scrub your pans. Rinse with hot water and finally dry with a clean cloth. Your pans have regained their former charm!

3 — Lemon and salt
If you don’t have vinegar or baking soda in your cupboards, you can also use half a lemon as a buffer. Sprinkle the pulp with a little salt and dab the areas to be scrubbed. The abrasive power of salt combined with that of lemon will immediately have its effect. Rinse to finish and dry everything with a clean cloth.

Note that these techniques work for any copper cookware. And you, do you have any tips?
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