It is never very pleasant to see mold in your interior and not know how to eliminate it. Beyond the purely visual aspect, it is also a question of health and air quality. Indeed, we do not know precisely the harm that these microscopic fungi can cause and it is often difficult to establish a correlation between the symptoms experienced and these proliferating molds. However, it has been shown that they can be really harmful to the occupants of a home. So, if you experience headaches, runny noses or respiratory problems upon contact (allergies, etc.), don’t be surprised… Moreover, the link has also been made with certain forms of cancer.
However, it is not because they are harmful that we must use products as toxic as them to eradicate them (typically bleach). So, here are effective solutions for removing mold that will not cause damage to your health.
1) White vinegar
Of all the solutions presented today, it is without a doubt the most economical ! And with its antibacterial power, white vinegar is one of the best disinfectant products for your interior. Indeed, used pure at 5%, for example, it eliminates 82% of mold. In addition, it can be used to remove black mold stains on all surfaces (mold on walls, around windows, ceilings, etc.). So, you can spray it directly on the black spots to be treated. Then rub carefully with a clean old cloth.
2) Oxygenated water
At the same time antiviral, antibacterial and antifungalit is excellent against mold that has colonized your interior. So this adds to the long list of useful actions that it can carry out in an interior. In fact, by acting on surfaces, it gives rise to oxidation which decomposes mold. To do this, mix a teaspoon with 250 ml of water and spray on the areas to be treated or use a cloth soaked in this solution. Leave on for 10 minutes then repeat. Be careful, once it comes out of its bottle and comes into contact with air, hydrogen peroxide quickly loses its properties. So, do not make too large quantities of mixture thinking of saving it for later, because it will lose its effectiveness!
3) Tea tree essential oil
It may not be the most economical solution of the three, but it’s the most radical. In addition, this essential oil is not difficult to find at a good price. No wonder when you think of all the uses you can make of it! For example, his antifungal and antibacterial power is particularly astonishing against mold. It’s very simple: it eliminates them in a single pass! Here, we will simply mix it with water in a spray bottle. Since oil and oil form a heterogeneous mixture, you can use a neutral dispersant or baking soda soaked in essential oil to help you. Otherwise, mix the two very frequently during treatment. Then leave it to act for a few minutes, or even hours for more established mold. To find the precise quantities and the operating procedure, we refer you to the article where we already told you about it.
And afterward, how can we prevent the reappearance of mold?

First, you can rely on baking soda to perfect disinfection and limit the development of mold. To do this, simply mix half a teaspoon of bicarbonate with 250 ml of water. Then we spray this solution on the treated areas before rubbing. However, the best solution remains prevention ! And of course, this involves eliminating the humidity that is causing it. So, remember that cleaning and disinfecting mold well is one thing, butavoid their appearance will be more convincing in the long term. Therefore, check the waterproofness of your installations to limit water infiltration and monitor the humidity level, particularly in damp rooms such as the bathroom or kitchen. In case of excessive humidity problems, also check the ventilation and vmc which can malfunction and give rise to condensation. If necessary, install a dehumidifier and consider ventilating more often.