It’s hard to do without our pans when cooking. On the other hand, we could do without sticky foods or burnt clumps that colonize it during preparation as well as the scratches that appear over time. And the problem is that we cannot ignore the latter which interfere with subsequent cooking and a pan that is too damaged can release toxic substances during cooking. This is why it is important to ensure good cleaning and maintenance so that the pan has a good lifespan.
1) Test the salt & potato technique

With salt, you can do a whole bunch of things, including fighting dirt and moisture while disinfecting many types of materials. With potatoes, you can exfoliate and degrease your utensils without damaging them.
To do this, cut a potato in half. Pass it over the pan to remove traces of sauce and food, then add a good spoonful of coarse salt and use the potato to scrub with circular movements. Rinse the pan, dry it and protect it until the next use by lightly coating it with olive oil.
2) A method for making a molten iron pan look like new

They are amazing, but food always ends up sticking to them and the moisture left there impacts the taste of the food. Here’s how to collect them with aluminum and coarse salt for a thorough cleaning without damaging the pan.
We adopt gestures similar to those of the previous tip by rubbing the inside of the pan with the salt and the aluminum until the latter is completely darkened.
3) We bring out the winning duo: vinegar & bicarbonate!

These two elements allow everything to be disinfected, degreased and removed dirt and humidity.
For this tip, heat around 200ml of water (depending on the size of the pan) and pour it into the pan before adding two tablespoons of white vinegar. Leave for 5 minutes then remove a little water so that a little more than half remains. Add a good spoonful of bicarbonate and scrub the last grease with a small brush. Rinse and finish with a classic wash with water and dishwashing liquid.