Hairdressers, hairdressers, or you who color your hair yourself, this tip is for you. We have already given you all the little secrets for removing stains from your skin, and textile stain removers come very close! Here are 3 grandmother’s tips for removing color stains from your clothes before washing in the washing machine..
To avoid major stain removal, the ideal is to wear a t-shirt that you are not afraid of damaging. You can also put a thick layer on the ears, top of the forehead and other areas of skin that you want to protect from stains 😉
1/ Toothpaste against color stains on clothes
Rub the marks directly with toothpaste. Rinse with clean water and machine wash your garment.
2/ Lemon juice to remove the dye
It is the ideal stain remover, especially for removing a still fresh stain. Dab the stain with a cloth previously soaked in lemon juice (or white vinegar). Continue rubbing the stain until the mark disappears, then rinse with clean water. Finish cleaning with a regular machine wash.

3/ Bicarbonate can also work!
Pour baking soda directly onto the encrusted stained area. Add a few drops of white vinegar. Leave to soak until small bubbles form. Rub the affected area, rinse, and machine wash as usual. Baking soda has a bleaching effect on the dye. This is why it is the ideal detergent for removing stubborn color stains from clothes.
Other ideas for removing color stains from clothes:
You can try soaking a cloth withmethylated spirits, 70° alcohol or ammonia. All you have to do is dab with the cloth soaked in this solution to clean a stain without any stains. Then use a little soapy water (Marseille soap or black soap to fine-tune and remove remaining stains). On white, use hydrogen peroxide instead! It will be gentler on delicate fabrics than bleach. Other unusual solutions: hairspray or oven remover… Chemical, but very effective. The latter can, however, discolor the colors, so do a test on an inconspicuous part before proceeding!
And there you have it, now you know how to clean color stains from clothes!