It happens very often that we lose socks. Lost under the bed, forgotten in a suitcase or swallowed by the washing machine, they leave their soul mate behind! This is very sad for the lonely sock and annoying for us. However, thanks to their format and the fabric they are made from, the socks can be easily recycled. Here are some clever ideas for recycling a single sock and finding a new use for them in the house… And that, while not warming your feet, is warming your heart!
1) We fill it to relieve ourselves
2) Take inspiration from the big brands: put a good cream generously on your hands or feet and put the sock on top.
3) Fill the sock with rice. If there is pain, you can microwave it a little and apply it to the pain. This can serve as a kettle.

You can also put it in the freezer to have a refreshing element, perfect for summer nights!
4) Put a good dose of drops of essential oil whose smell you like, put everything in another sock to avoid stains and slip this into your dryer. Good smell guaranteed naturally!
5) Use it to help you move furniture without damaging the floor. Ideal for those who like to change the decoration often!
6) Put it on a broom handle and brush away hard-to-reach cobwebs.
7) It’s just great for replacing the wipes on your broom (and very economical).
8) Pack items with it when moving. This will also be perfect for protecting Christmas decorations or golf clubs.
9) Is your baby starting to crawl? Use single socks to protect his knees and arms.
You can also protect your own knees when gardening. This will help you avoid dirt.
10) Put on singles socks over your shoes when painting.
11) Fill them with potpourri or even dried lavender and use the socks to make your closet smell good.

The article 33 ingenious ways to recycle a single sock appeared first on Grandmother’s Tips.