After washing the sheets comes the acrobatic and tedious moment of putting the duvet in the duvet cover. And if we enjoy browsing the shelves in search of pretty bed sets and good bedding, the happiness completely disappears when it comes time to install said bed linen. In short, it’s a real chore that we could do without, even to the point of regretting not having opted for a blanket instead! However, what’s done is done, and we must now take responsibility… Fortunately, there are tips and tricks to make the task easier and achieve it effortlessly. With the right technique, putting on a duvet cover becomes child’s play. Discover these four techniques that change everything!
1) The burrito technique to easily put on a duvet
We introduced you to the burrito technique several years ago and you gave us good feedback. It was therefore impossible for us not to mention it for people who do not already know it. As a reminder, it consists of put the duvet cover inside out and place it on the bed, extending it as far as possible. Then, place your duvet on top by matching the corners well. Above all, adjust their placement carefully before starting to roll them together from the head to the foot and form a sort of burrito. Then take the burrito by one end and pass it inside the cover, stuffing it well. Repeat on the other side and finish by rolling out your burrito. And there you have it! You have put on your duvet like magic!

2) Grab the duvet cover by the ears to put it on more easily
To do this trick, spread your duvet full length on your bed. Next, grab your duvet cover by reaching your arms through it to reach the corners opposite the opening with your hands. You will then just have to forcefully grab these two “ears” and grip the corners of your duvet with equal firmness. All you have to do is turn it over on the comforter so that it is covered. For this technique to work, it is absolutely necessary manage to hold the cover and the duvet firmly with your hands. If necessary, do not hesitate to ask one of your loved ones for help to make adjustments while you hold them. This person can then help you shake the comforter to remove any remaining bumps and wrinkles.
3) The puff pastry technique to make your bed easily and quickly
After the burrito, let’s move on to the puff pastry! This method is very useful in the case where the duvet cover has a smaller openingwhich makes the task extremely complex. In this case, you can fold the duvet in thirds widthwise. To do this, fold the upper part of the duvet, then the lower part towards the center. Then all that remains is to fold the sides in the same way. Then slip your duvet into the cover and unfold it inside. THE result is then more or less perfect. However, you can shake it a little to remove the last bulges before installing it on the bed.

4) Invest in a tool to help you put on your duvet
It may seem a bit gimmicky, but a French inventor has developed a tool to make it easier to put on a duvet. The duvet insert allows you to put it on in two minutes flat! This patented innovation, which can also help you fold sheets, involves using clips to hang the comforter and cover on your bedroom door. Then you just have to turn the whole thing over and you’re done. If you haven’t been able to do any of the techniques presented here, this may be a good solution.
With these four techniques, we can bet that you will dread the fateful moment of changing the sheets much less. You will no longer have to argue with your partner over who should sacrifice and take care of them!