Vinegar is a product very commonly used in households and we have lost count of the number of times we have been told about its multiple uses. The problem is that it is not unanimously accepted, in particular because of its smell which takes over the nose. So of course, you can always give it a better scent by infusing herbs or citrus peels in it, but for some, this unfortunately remains out of the question of using it! However, it can often be replaced by another acidic element: lemon. Of course, the cost is higher for lemons than for a bottle of vinegar, but it remains natural and effective and the smell is divine! Just limit the waste by avoiding too much or use leftovers that you don’t think you’ll cook.
1) To descale and clean the kettle in one step

Limescale always ends up accumulating in the kettle, which is very annoying, because it can have an influence on the taste of your drinks and the longevity of the appliance. The solution: a good volume of water and lemon slices to heat for a few minutes. Rinse and that’s it!
2) To find a clean pan

With certain preparations, there is no escaping it: fat accumulates, dirt becomes encrusted and cleaning your pan does not seem easy. Want a simple tip to fix all of this? Cut a slice of lemon and generously sprinkle salt on its flesh. Use it to scrub the marks then wipe with a paper towel/cloth or rinse. Your stove should be clean again!
3) To remove recent burns

If your recipe resulted in burnt marks in the pan, you can easily add lemon wedges and water to heat everything up. Let everything boil for a few moments and remove the burnt material with a wooden spoon. Let everything cool before emptying the pan and cleaning it as normal.
4) When water drains poorly

This is a very common problem that finds its solution in the one, the only, wonderful baking soda! Sprinkle a good dose of it on the sink drain and sprinkle with lemon juice. Then leave it on for an hour and rinse with clean water. This should flow more easily and you will also have eliminated unpleasant odors!
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