Saddlebags refer to the subcutaneous fatty deposits which are concentrated on the hips. Refining the upper thigh and dislodging the fatty cellulite accumulated in this area effectively requires efforts on several points. You must in fact adopt the right diet, tone up with the right physical activity and not skimp on massages. It’s not all about slimming and weight loss, especially since many women, both the thinnest and the plumpest, have this little problem, often considered unsightly. Here are the best strategies to lose your saddlebags quickly and successfully and reshape your figure.
The fat cells sitting comfortably on your hips will hate you!
Review your diet to lose your saddlebags

No need to embark on a very restrictive diet or starve yourself! However, it remains necessary to adopt a healthy diet to lose your saddlebags. Indeed, all sugars (cakes, sweets, pastries, etc.) and excess unsightly fats tend to be lodged in the abdominal area for men. However, for women, all this fat mass often favors the lower body. To eliminate saddlebags, you will need:
– Stock up on fruits and vegetables rich in dietary fiber. In general, all foods rich in insoluble fiber and soluble fiber are preferred. Low in calories, they will absorb carbohydrates and lipids.
-Limit alcohol, sugar and salt (promoting water retention)
-Avoid eating very fatty foods. Foods high in saturated fat and junk foods have nutritional intake often limited and lodges directly on the thighs.
-Without completely banishing fat, favor good fats over bad fats. Instead of omega-6 from peanuts, corn or sunflower oil, prefer omega-3 from walnuts, rapeseed oil or flaxseed and omega-9 from olive oil for cooking.
Slimming massage to combat cellulite

Massaging regularly is in fact a key gesture to evacuate toxins and water accumulated in the tissues and therefore fight against cellulite. Let us recall, however, that the massages alone are useless in the same way as a good diet without sport or regular physical activity while eating anything on the side will reduce your efforts to nothing ! The best option for losing saddlebags and cellulite is the famous “palpate-roll”. In fact, this deep movement will directly grip the skin tissues in order to stimulate blood circulation, break up the dimples and promote lymphatic drainage. Don’t trust any miracle slimming and anti-cellulite cream, it doesn’t exist. The secret is to do the right thing and be very regular!
Easy physical exercises to do at home

The ideal to have a good result is to mix cardio (see below) and targeted muscle strengthening. If you are not registered at the gym, it is possible to do exercises from your living room to lose your saddlebags. To do this, repeat several exercises:
-Squats (to be done during every workout and whenever you can during the day, for example while cooking, getting ready in the morning, brushing your teeth in the evening, etc.)
-Oblique sheathing
-Front slits and side slits
-Des burpees
-Pool climbs to be carried out on the ground
-Les donkey kicks
-Le jumping jack
-Side leg raises while standing
To succeed in your sessions, carry out three sets of 10 then increase the pace. You can also perform 30 to 45 seconds per exercise per side.
What sport should you choose to lose your saddlebags?

Any sporting activity is a plus. However, some sports are more appropriate than others. Very often, saddlebags are the result of imbalance between the amount of fat absorbed by the body and the amount of fat burned. Also, practicing a cardio activity will allow calorie expenditure to burn fat.
There is :
-High-intensity cardio activities: hiit, CrossFit RPM, body attack, body combat
-Running or skipping rope
-Sports softer, but deep such as a few laps of swimming with short fins or aquabiking
Losing your saddlebags requires tenacity and effort. If, however, you still have difficulty, there are other more expensive techniques. In institutes or at the dermatologist’s office, cryolipolysis (or coolsculpting) can be very effective on small, well-localized excess fat. Count between 150 and 500 euros per session. Last option, not without risks, infiltration liposuction (or liposuction) could be offered to you by a cosmetic surgeon. However, cosmetic surgery remains a last resort.