Window cleaning is a very tiring task that is often put off until later due to lack of energy and motivation. So when we finally get around to it, we like it to be perfect. However, to achieve good results, it is better to avoid common mistakes and adopt the best techniques. To find impeccable bay windows and windows, follow these few essential tips.
On our site, find in addition our recipe for a very effective window cleaner which does not leave any marks on glass surfaces.
1) Check the weather carefully before setting off
We tend to favor very sunny days to start washing windows in order to clearly see the marks, but beware of excess! This choice is not not the most judiciousbecause the heat and rays hitting the windows will quickly dry your products, which means you risk streaks and wasted cleaner. We also avoid rainy days which will tend to quickly ruin all our efforts (especially if there is a lot of pollution!). Instead, opt for a cloudy day with no risk of rain.
2) Choose the right tools for the window cleaning
There are a whole bunch of products that you can use on windows and mirrors (white vinegar, dishwashing liquid, Meudon white, etc.). In the end, it’s not so much what you use to wash that matters even if it’s better use distilled water to non-distilled water when preparing its products, to avoid limescale marks.

What matters is the gesture and the accessory used to apply. There is no question of using fluffy cloths which will leave fibers everywhere… Better to opt for microfiber cloths or cotton household linen. The ideal is to keep old clothes or sheets to reuse them for this purpose. Finally, if you read the newspaper or have some on hand, you just need to roll it into a ball to have the best window cleaning tool.
3) Start inside or outside?
For truly effective cleaning, it is best to remove dust first of the frame and the entire surface. Then we advise you to start with a thorough cleaning of the interior before cleaning the exterior. If you do the opposite, you will probably have difficulty determining which side the marks are on, if there are any! In addition, by better seeing external traces, you will wash more efficiently.
4) Proper use of the raclette
It’s the quickest and most practical tool, but you still need to know how to use it! First of all, start at the top and make horizontal passages going down little by little and overlapping the previous strip by two centimeters to avoid marks. think about always wipe the squeegee after two or three passes with a dry cloth to prevent it from becoming saturated with water and losing its effectiveness. Finish by wiping the frame carefully. The squeegee must always remain in contact with the window to avoid marks.