A pizza party that goes wrong, spaghetti that splatters on you when you eat it or a bolognese sauce that squirts into the pan and your clothes are covered in tomato sauce stains! So, you probably think you’re good for hours of scrubbing and spending a few small bills on stain removal products. Let’s be honest, these traces are indeed difficult to treat. However, by knowing a few good tips, you will have no problem with fresh or older traces! Word from Grandma, you will not be disappointed 😉
1) Did you just get tomato sauce stains? Act quickly with cold water!
A bit like with blood, we ban hot water on a fresh stain. In fact, this only has the effect of embedding the pigments in the fibers. In short, it makes the stain more difficult to clean! In short, prefer to use cold water and don’t wait for it to dry. To do this, rinse thoroughly with clean water and use a little Marseille soap to remove the stain thoroughly. This technique works perfectly well on cotton fabrics.
2) To detach a piece of leather or denim
Here, prefer to use simple milk as long as the stain is not yet dry. We advise you to pour a little directly onto the area to be treated and use a clean cloth to rub. It will work wonders! So milk isn’t just good for removing ink stains.
3) And if the tomato sauce stains have dried, what do we do?

After all, we have other things to think about than these ugly stains. However, it is true that it is more difficult to treat a stain that has dried… but not impossible! Take your jar of baking soda and moisten the stain. Then, generously apply bicarbonate on it and give it a good quarter of an hour to act. Finally, all you have to do is rinse and see the red-orange stain disappear.
4) And on an older stain, what is the procedure to follow?
Let’s imagine that the garment was put in the washing machine or that other cleaning treatments did not work. You’re out of luck, but don’t despair! In this case, you can soak a clean cloth in white vinegar or 70° alcohol and dab the stain. A rinse will finish the job. Another option, you can also use 20 volume hydrogen peroxide provided you have tested on an inconspicuous corner of the fabric to be sure that it will not damage or discolor it. Soak a little on the stain then rinse.
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