No matter how well you ventilate your house, there is always a little mold in the corners. Have you followed our tip on how to clean mold, but it’s not enough against black stains? No need for bleach, ammonia or other chemicals to eliminate spores and limit the proliferation of microscopic fungi linked to humidity problems, poor ventilation or defective VMC which harm the quality of the air. Against stains and bad odors, here are four very simple tips to do with everyday products! With these grandmother’s tips for scrubbing and disinfecting mold stains, you will avoid allergies and other respiratory problems as well as bad odors.
1. Mold on the walls
This is surely what we find the most in a house, especially in damp rooms like bathrooms. How to remove mold from the wall? In a spray bottle, pour 30 cl of white vinegar into 20 cl of water. Shake then spray the affected areas. Allow to dry, then wipe with a dry cloth. If you ever use a few drops of tea tree essential oil, you will have a fungicidal effect that will prevent mold.
Painting a moldy wall to refresh and renovate it: a good idea?
Once you have finished thoroughly cleaning a moldy wall, you may be tempted to paint or wallpaper it. After taking care to rinse and dry well, you can indeed have the impression that the interior walls are like new. We may then have the impression that renovating them is a good way to start from scratch. We can also believe (wrongly) that it will be a good hide from poverty when traces of mold keep coming back! However, this is a bad idea, because the excessive humidity problem is still present. The paint on the walls and ceilings will therefore continue to crack, the tapestries will peel off, the musty smell will return, water infiltration will continue to leave water vapor on the windows, etc. For its occupants, it will therefore be necessary treat this humidity problem in the house at the source to improve evacuation and the ventilation system, ensure the watertightness of the house, stop leaks and dry the ambient air sustainably before considering doing any renovation work. A professional can help you with this.

2. Mold on fabrics
Yes, it is possible to recover fabrics attacked by mold. It is enough to toothpaste with a whole sachet of yeast. With a toothbrush, scrub the stained area. Leave to act before putting your laundry in the washing machine.
3. Make your own dehumidifier
The method for making an indoor air dehumidifier is very simple! Cut the top off a 1.5 liter bottle and fit it together with the bottom. So as to form a funnel. Place a very fine cloth at the bottom of the bottle, then crushed clay into the bottle up to 3/4 full. Drain the water and replace the elements as necessary.
4. Bathroom joints
All the cleaning tips against mold in the bathroom are good to follow. Indeed, mold often strikes there even if you have followed tip number 2, you still need to be able to clean the joints well. Mix a few tablespoons of baking soda with hydrogen peroxide and a few drops of dishwashing liquid. Brush the joints with the mixture and let sit for 10 minutes. Rinse and you’re done: no more traces of mold!

With all these radical, but non-toxic techniques for eliminating it, mold has no chance of affecting your health! When the humidity level is high in a room, it is once again better to resolve the problem once and for all (water infiltration, condensation, etc.) to avoid the return of mold stains on the walls. To clean this up sustainably, call a professional.