We quickly forget our rubber gloves and our good old sponge when we have tasted the joys of the dishwasher. Indeed, what a joy to let him take care of our dishes and find them sparkling clean, saving water in the process! However, we cannot say that it is the device that smells the most good. Over time, food residue builds up and leaves behind a terrible smell. So, how can you prevent and combat odors? Here are all our best grandmother’s tips to eliminate olfactory nuisances linked to humidity and bacteria!
Also remember to maintain and clean the dishwasher once a month. This will help prevent and get rid of the unpleasant bad odor very effectively.
1) Some good habits against bad odors in the dishwasher
Avoiding odor problems already requires regular cleaning of the components at risk. In fact, the filter, the seal and the tank of the device have tendency to accumulate food scraps. So it’s no wonder odors form! So, a simple cleaning with a sponge soaked in white vinegar or soapy water would be a big plus. Furthermore, you can constantly leave the door slightly ajar to ventilate the device and prevent odors from macerating.
2) Obviously… opt for bicarbonate!

Baking soda is a product well known for its deodorizing power throughout the house. So, it works just as well for a smelly pair of shoes, the smell of tobacco or musty in a cupboard as it does for a dishwasher that smells like not-fresh food! Here, you can put three good tablespoons into the tank and run the appliance empty. It is also possible for you to sprinkle on the dishes between two washes to absorb and eliminate bad odors. As a result, you will reduce stubborn odors and improve the efficiency of the next cycle cleaning thanks to the degreasing properties of bicarbonate.
3) White vinegar, great for unpleasant dishwasher odors
This product has two powers here: that of descale and deodorize the dishwasher. So it’s a good option to kill two birds with one stone! To do this, pour some into the compartment where you put the product that cleans the dishes. Then just run the shortest cycle possible. Following this, your dishwasher will be spotless. Don’t hesitate to do it once a monthbut no more so as not to corrode the seals of the device. You can also spray it on the walls or dishes when you feel unpleasant odors appearing. The scent of vinegar will remove foul odors and fade quickly.
4) Lemon to remove bad odors from the dishwasher

The advantage of lemon is that you can use half that you are not going to use in cooking or peels and remains from which you have already removed the lemon juice. Simply slide them into a corner of the dishwasher and remove them before washing. Then, you can replace them with fresher ones to perfume the device with the good citrus smell. Alternatively, you can cut one half and remove the seeds. Then plant this on the tips which compartmentalize the upper drawer. Finally, start the cycle. This will remove persistent odors and degrease dishes more effectively. Besides, you can use both halves of a lemon if yours is particularly dirty!