Unfortunately, all women can be affected by these little white streaks. With pregnancy or significant weight loss, the elasticity of the skin is put to the test. This is when unsightly stretch marks appear on the buttocks, thighs, breasts and even the stomach. Once installed, it is difficult to completely eliminate them, hence the importance of prevention. However, it is still possible to fade them without peeling or laser. Here are the most useful and effective foods against stretch marks.
Anti-stretch mark creams are very often not very effective in making these “scars” disappear. However, you can combine these natural solutions with good hydration. Indeed, it is crucial to drink well and massage a rich moisturizing product into the skin morning and evening (shea butter or rosehip oil for example).
1) The special ingredient for pink buttocks to fight against stretch marks

Pour reduce stretch marks For pregnant women or those suffering from weight gain, carrots are a valuable ally. In short, this is what you need to make those skin streaks more lovable! To do this, cook the carrot in water until it softens. Then puree it and leave to cool. Apply it like a mask to the areas to be treated and leave for 30 to 45 minutes. Finish by rinsing. You can also complete this mask with beetroot and peach and allow to dry naturally before rinsing.
2) A super starch against these streaks

What if you placed your hopes in the good old potato? The potato is in fact excellent for cell regeneration. It not only stimulates, but also restores cells to remove stretch marks. It is also one of the most economical natural ingredients to treat the areas concerned, so why deprive yourself of it? To use it, you will need to recover its juice with an extractor or centrifuge. Then, apply it to the skin morning and evening and let it dry completely in the open air. After a month, you should notice an improvement in the appearance of your skin.
3) The star ingredient of guacamole on the front line

Hey yes! avocado is very powerful for fight against white or purplish stretch marks. Indeed, it contains vitamin E which is excellent for the epidermis. This antioxidant indeed offers firmness and elasticity to the skin. And she is as good to eat as to apply on streaked skin like here with avocado. We choose it here when it is very ripe and we make a nice puree to which we add a tablespoon of honey and another of lemon. Once you have resisted the urge to devour it all, you can massage it for 5 minutes on the areas to be treated. Then leave it on for 15 minutes and rinse. Repeat 2 to 3 times a week for about 2 months.
4) An exotic oil to effectively treat the skin

Some vegetable oils are perfect for moisturize and tone the skin. This is the case with coconut oil, especially when combined with sweet almond oil! To do this, we mix them in equal quantities. Then we do a long circular massage of a quarter of an hour on the streaked areas. As with other natural treatments, do not hesitate to repeat morning and evening and stick to it for several weeks!
In addition: What foods to eat against stretch marks?

We often think about what we apply to stretch marks. However, a good diet can also affect the appearance of the skin and its elasticity.
- THE essential fatty acids : vegetable oils (rapeseed, nuts, olive, grapeseed), vegetable butter, margarine, etc.
- Foods rich in copper like soya or zinc (almonds, lentils, dried fruits & cereals)
- Fruits and vegetables rich in antioxidants and vitamins A, B, C, E and K
- Vitamin A: mango, apricots, pumpkin, spinach, cabbage, sweet potato, tuna, liver…
- Vitamin B: eggs, rice, bananas, poultry, lean meats, nuts, seeds…
- Vitamin C (and citrus fruits are not the ones that contain the most)
- Vitamin E: blueberries, mussels, fatty fish, papaya, nuts, avocado, vegetable oils…
- Vitamin K: dairy products, liver, tomatoes…
In short, adopt a varied diet based on these anti-stretch mark foods which give pride of place to seasonal vitamin-rich vegetables. Also, when dieting, be sure to keep a gradual weight loss rather than having big differences in weight. This will allow your skin to better cope with dimples!