We love its delicious taste in pastries and desserts, because it wonderfully enhances the flavor of apple pies, rice puddings or even gourmet brioches. We also know that thanks to its therapeutic benefits for better health, it can find a place in our medicine cabinet to compose our homemade remedies thanks to its comforting sweetness and its antibacterial and antiviral properties. However, we are often less aware that its versatility also allows it to find its usefulness in our gardens. So if you are curious to know what it has in store in this area, here are 6 uses of cinnamon in the garden that will make it essential in your green spaces!
1) It scares away mosquitoes

If you like the smell of cinnamon, note that this is not the case for mosquitoes who prefer to stay away from it. You can therefore sprinkle it on your terrace and around your garden to keep them at bay.
2) Cinnamon is the sworn enemy of ants in the garden

Its smell scares away the ants, who find themselves suffocated by it. In addition, it is so strong that it acts as a shield that prevents ants from smelling other sources of food that might be nearby… so they no longer come snooping around! It is therefore an excellent non-toxic repellent for you and those around you (pets included) to spread in possible places of passage.
3) Cinnamon works wonders against fungi that develop on garden plants

If fungus threatens your plants, you can apply cinnamon to the soil to prevent them from developing. Yes, because it is antifungal! This helps stop minor fungus problems (for a serious problem, you will probably have to turn to another solution). This is especially ideal when you have just planted and want to protect your plants from fungus and disease!
4) It helps the cuttings to regrow

Sometimes you have to cut a plant back to allow it to reproduce and take root. If that’s what you need to do, you can put a little cinnamon on the cut stem before planting!
5) In the garden, cinnamon also heals “injured” or sick plants

It can be used on plants to prevent injuries as well as on an injury that has already appeared to promote rapid healing. For example, if a leaf has blackish or yellowish spots linked to rot, you will have to cut it off to prevent it from spreading throughout the plant. Afterwards, you will just have to generously apply cinnamon for it to heal. This way, a new healthy leaf will grow back in place of the other one. To see this tip in video, it’s happening below:
In addition to cinnamon, other spices are useful in the garden…
In addition to cinnamon, there are several other spices that can be used beneficially in gardening. Interested? Here are some of them for the greatest pleasure of eco-friendly and smart gardeners!
Cayenne pepper: it is an excellent natural repellent against many pests, such as aphids, caterpillars and slugs. It can be used in powder form or as a solution diluted in water and sprayed on plants.
Turmeric: It has antifungal and antibacterial properties that can help prevent fungal diseases in the garden. Used in powder or solution form, it can treat plants affected by mold or mildew.
Clove: Cloves are effective in repelling harmful insects, such as ants and flies. They can be placed around plants, in spray solutions to repel insects or stuck in a lemon on the garden table for a more peaceful meal.
Ginger: Known for its repellent properties against nematodes, small worms that can damage plant roots, it can be used in powder mixed with compost or in the form of a solution to water plants.
Mint: Although not technically a spice, mint is often used as a natural repellent against pests such as aphids, ants and mosquitoes. It can be grown at the edge of the garden or used in the form of essential oil in spray solutions.
These spices offer natural and effective solutions to protect your plants and promote their growth in the garden.