For those who scrupulously respect confinement, an outing outside can be like a real adventure. We will then put on the gloves, put on our mask, arm ourselves with hydroalcoholic gel and get out of our bubble. Indeed, we know that with each outing, we expose ourselves to a risk of contamination linked to Covid-19. There is no question of bringing the virus home! To ensure this, we of course respect the barrier gestures and the hygiene gestures recommended to limit the risks linked to shopping if this is what motivates your outing. And of course, don’t forget to wash your hands carefully. However, after an outing, you should also clean some potentially contaminated objects.
How to disinfect your objects?
Remember that white vinegar is not a virucide and is therefore of no use against Covid-19. On the other hand, we can rely on disinfectant wipes, although not very eco-friendly. Otherwise, you can also opt for alcohol, soapy water (dishwashing liquid, Marseille soap, etc.) or cold water in which you dilute a little bleach (4 teaspoons for a liter cold water). Choose the most appropriate solution depending on the surface to be cleaned.
1) The cell phone

Covid-19 or not, this device never leaves your hands and is therefore normal to want to clean it. In fact, germs are deposited on the hands when we touch an outdoor surface. Even when gloved, our hands then contaminate everything they touch. So, if possible, don’t use it outside and keep it in your pocket or bag. Otherwise, avoid placing it on potentially contaminated surfaces. Once returned, several cleaning solutions are available to you for the phone, the screen and its shell, such as disinfectant wipes or 90° alcohol or isopropyl alcohol poured onto a clean cloth. However, avoid methylated spirits which could burn its internal components.
2) Your handbag and wallet

Even before the start of the covid-19 pandemic, the handbag was already among the everyday objects dirtier than the toilet seat. To be more precise, one bag is approximately three times dirtier than this glasses. So, if possible, take care not to put it anywhere and keep it with you. Then, refer to the label of your accessories to find out how to clean them or use the solutions mentioned earlier. In any case, avoid placing them on a kitchen table or on your work surface. Also remember to wash your hands before handling them to reduce the risk of contaminating them.
3) Be careful with bags used for shopping

The best thing is to have your own bags and disinfect them once you return home. If your bags are made of fabric, you can disinfect them by putting them in the machine at 60°C for at least 30 minutes. Take the opportunity to wash the clothes you wore outside. If you order at the drive-thru and the store provides recyclable paper bags, be aware that the virus survives there for approximately 24 hours. So, it’s better to get rid of them quickly and wash your hands thoroughly after touching them. And above all, when emptying them, do not touch your eyes, mouth or nose.
4) Don’t forget your car

Covid-19 survives for a long time on car surfaces (plastic, leather and metal). But when we think about it, you touch a lot of objects in your vehicle : keys, door, steering wheel, belt, sun visor… Coronavirus or not, cleaning your car from time to time is a basic hygiene gesture. And with the virus, if we use it regularly to go to work, its disinfection becomes a daily necessity.
5) All the things you touched before washing your hands!

This can concern many objects that we don’t necessarily think of:
- Button to open the garage or all the door handles that separated you from the bathroom
- The digital code or intercom
- The switches
- The alarm panel
- The safety gate for your child or pet
- Etc.
Brief, review everything you touched before hand washing which will therefore need to be disinfected. Also remember to clean your glasses if they slip on your nose and you have readjusted them.