In addition to leaving a few marks as proof of its passage, sweating is also sometimes accompanied by the smell of perspiration. To overcome these two problems, it is possible to use natural remedies to regulate excessive sweating. However, none of these grandma’s magic potions work as well as essential oils. Very concentrated, these plant essences have antibacterial, purifying and/or estrogen-like properties which help to overcome both unpleasant odors and soggy armpits. Discover the best essential oils that are very effective against perspiration.
Added to a natural deodorant recipe with or without baking soda, they allow you to obtain a fresh effect all day long as long as you choose them wisely. Enough to effectively deal with this sometimes annoying natural phenomenon that is perspiration.
1) Palmarosa essential oil, the queen of anti-perspiration essential oils
Both in the armpits and the feet, palmarosa essential oil is very effective thanks to its antibacterial and antimycotic properties. However, bacterial proliferation is very often the cause of bad odors. So, to smell good despite the heat and effort, it becomes a true ally. Very well tolerated through the skin, it can also be applied pure at the rate of two to three drops on each armpit or arch of the foot. It will envelop you all day long with a very soft fresh and floral scent.
2) Geranium essential oil

Fragrant geranium essential oil (also nicknamed rose geranium essential oil) shares exactly the same properties as palmarosa. It will therefore have exactly the same effectiveness as its counterpart against bacterial proliferation which causes odors in the armpits. Their difference in scent, however, can help you choose between the two. That of geranium, pink and fruity, is very delicate. It is also preferably used diluted.
3) Peppermint essential oil
Sometimes the Excess sweat is linked to an imbalance in thermogenesisthe process responsible for the production of heat by our body. In response to an increase in body heat, our body will actually excrete more sweat through the sweat glands to cope. This will then encourage the development of not very pleasant odors. It is thanks to its cold effect that peppermint essential oil can intervene by helping you to regulate your body temperature. The plan of attack? Dilute 10 drops of peppermint essential oil in a teaspoon of rubbing alcohol. Then, apply two drops to areas affected by excessive sweating. Repeat morning and evening.
4) Clary sage essential oil

Clary sage essential oil helps regulate excess perspiration thanks to its purifying action and its estrogen-like power. On this last point, it should in fact be noted that this essential oil naturally allows us to reproduce the effect of estrogens on our body. This helps combat disorders linked to estrogen deficiency such as hot flashes and night sweats. This essence will also act as a thermogenesis regulator to reduce excessive sweating.
5) Provence cypress essential oil
Provencal cypress essential oil has the same estrogen-like effects as sage oil and therefore shares its purifying and regulating properties.
A recipe with anti-perspiration essential oils

After presenting you with all these essential oils, we cannot resist the urge to share with you a very effective synergy against perspiration. To do this, pour 0.25 ml of palmarosa, geranium, sage and cypress essential oil into a 50 ml tinted glass bottle. Then, complete the bottle using a neutral gel or aloe vera gel. It’s ready. All you have to do is shake this mixture before each use. Apply a small amount morning and evening to the areas to be treated. You will give us news about this natural antiperspirant!
Anti-perspirant essential oils: safety first!
Even though sweating can be hateful and a good natural remedy can be very attractive, this should not make you forget the precautions for using essential oils ! Most are in fact not recommended for pregnant and breastfeeding women or children. Added to this is the risk of allergies. So remember to test your oil in the crook of your elbow for 24 hours before applying it to the sensitive skin of your armpits. Finally, the use of sage and cypress is to proscribe in the event of a history or risk of hormone-dependent cancer (breast, etc.) due to their estrogen-like effect.