While the majority of people like to have a clean interior, few people are passionate about doing household chores! It is even more experienced as a chore, especially when you have a busy daily life. Also, everything is good to save time when it comes to shining all the surfaces in the house. These few very simple tips to save time when cleaning should delight you.
1) Do not confuse storage and cleaning

When we clean, we tend to also tidy up, which increases the time spent on each task. Ideally, tidy up a little as you go each day to don’t let anything build up. And to go further, also consider decluttering your home with a big sorting to save space and light, and optimize storage. Good organization will make cleaning easier.
2) Delegate as soon as possible

Share the tasks with all members of the family. If everyone does their part and participates in the life of the house, daily and weekly cleaning will be faster. Plus, it gives children responsibility! If you can afford it, you can also invest in smart household appliances. Robot vacuum cleaner, dishwasher, steam cleaner, etc. Well equipped, your fireplace will be easier to maintain. And of course, there is also the option of finding a cleaning lady.
3) Manage household products well

To avoid the comings and goings which constitute a waste of timesome do not hesitate to keep household products in a bucket that they carry from room to room to always have the cleaning product they need on hand. Another idea: have an apron with a pocket to keep clean sponges or rags on you. You can then hang a garbage bag on your waist to have it close at hand for major cleaning jobs. Finally, you can also store the products where you use them, even if it means having several copies. You can never have too much white vinegar!
4) Be organized

Following organizational rules saves time avoiding getting scattered. The golden rule is to finish what you start before moving on to another task and to know how to prioritize. Also remember to do a little each day: 10 minutes of cleaning in the morning and 5 minutes of sorting/tidying up in the evening. This will reduce the scale of the task for the big weekend cleaning. Finally, follow a circuit by dividing the house into several zones. This will limit unnecessary back and forths.
5) Time the cleaning

Timing yourself is a useful little “psychological” tip. Cleaning thus seems shorter, but it also goes faster.
Latest jumbled cleaning tips:
-Hold clothes on hangers so you don’t have to iron.
-Keep small lockers with foldable handles to unfold into which you can place trinkets while you clean. You can then replace them once the surface has been cleaned.
-Slip wax paper on the fridge shelves to avoid stains.
Everything is good to avoid suffering from mental load!