The sun is becoming more and more present in our daily lives and we delight in the idea of stocking up on vitamin D and creating the most lovely healthy glow. Thanks to numerous awareness campaigns, we nevertheless know that we should not take color at any cost and we have understood that we must protect ourselves adequately with sun cream from the rays which can also dry out the skin and accelerate its aging. You can also tan harmoniously and prepare for your sun exposure with a few simple tips. No need for expensive and chemical pills or UV rays which will harm your skin without protecting you (because yes, it is not because the skin is tanned that it does not pose any risk). Introduce these few actions into your daily life in anticipation of the beautiful summer ahead!
1) Put the package on the power supply

Eating the right foods can be a good support for the skin, both to prevent it from being damaged by the sun and to tan well. Adopt a vitamin-rich diet to nourish the skin from the inside! Heading towards the foods rich in beta-carotene and vitamin A which protect the skin and increase the healthy glow effect (carrots, organic tomatoes with skin, apricot, orange, sweet potato, mango, whole eggs, liver, cod liver oil, green vegetables, parsley, cheese, etc.). We supplement with foods rich in essential fatty acids which help the skin to regenerate (oily fish, grape seed oil, etc.). Also drink a lot and steal from the Mediterraneans their delicious quality olive oil to accompany your dishes.
2) In terms of supplements, what should we choose to prepare our skin for the sun?

A good diet is often sufficient, but sometimes we are looking for an extra boost! Once again, there is no question of ingesting chemical capsules… In organic stores, opt for vitamin C and E, beta-carotene and spirulina which contains vitamin E and beta-carotene.
3) Carrot in all sauces in your care

Of course, you can eat carrots to stock up on beta-carotene. However, it can also be used cosmetically! THE oily carrot macerate homemade orcarrot oil purchased in a store specializing in natural products, apply to the skin in the days preceding sun exposure to have a nice self-tanning effect and protect the skin from ultraviolet rays while leaving it soft. You can also add 5 drops ofcarrot essential oil in your body treatment and one in your facial treatment to obtain a radiant tanned effect while preparing the skin for tanning and enhancing it.
Note that there is also a fruitier alternative, but which stains a little more: you can add 3 to 5 drops ofapricot vegetable oil to your cream to obtain a natural coloring effect! Finally, the DHA which is easily found on the internet is another ingredient to add to tanning treatments. This self-tanner comes in the form of a powder to add to your cream.
4) Other treatments to consider?

Exfoliation is often recommended to obtain a more beautiful even tan and sustainable removing dead cells to cleanse and invigorate the skin. However, be careful! There is no question of overusing it or scratching too hard, otherwise you will thin the epidermis too much and strip it… thus making it more vulnerable to UV rays! On the other hand, you can nourish and hydrate the skin abundantly to restructure the epidermis. For this, we recommend macadamia oil which has a very pleasant fluid texture. Apricot kernel oil is rich in vitamin A and mineral salts and also helps nourish skin sensitized by the sun and heat!
5) On adopte l’urucum

This seed, well known to the Amazonian Indians, is used in food and skin protection thanks to its content a hundred times higher than that of carrots in beta-carotene ! There are also other elements beneficial for the epidermis: selenium, zinc and copper. You can use it to prevent exposure for a beautiful tan, but also afterwards to prolong it. In short, this natural ingredient will work for the well-being of your skin exposed to the rays and will prepare it to face the sun!
With these tips and adequate sun protection, you will have all the right tools to prepare your skin for the sun.