Sometimes brittle, yellowed or fragile, nails need specific maintenance to be healthy. They suffer significant damage whether during home maintenance or during daily activities of working life. So you have to take care of it. Here are some simple tips to have beautiful nails!
1) Moisturize your nails regularly
Like skin or hair, they need hydration! They are more stressed than the rest of our body by all the tasks to be done. It is therefore very important to moisturize with a crème. You can also massage a few drops of argan oil, castor oil and sweet almond oil onto each cuticle!

2) Don’t hurt them!
Chewing them, pulling the cuticles… we have to stop all that! In fact, this damages and weakens the nails considerably. Cutting your nails can also damage them. It is preferable to adhesivesand always in the same direction so as not to make the nails brittle and damaged. They therefore do not risk splitting!

3) Eat foods rich in vitamins
These are valuable indicators of our state of health. So don’t hesitate to eat foods rich in vitamin B, iron and keratin (brewer’s yeast, etc.). A healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet are quickly felt throughout our body, including our fingertips.

4) Protect them from cleaning products
Throughout our day, our nails undergo a lot of activity. Se laver hands, to clean your home, working while writing or typing on the computer… all this weakens the nail. We must therefore be careful, especially when we use cleaning products based on products chemical. It is therefore advisable to wear gloves!

5) Whiten nails
They tend to yellow when we smoke, but also when we do a lot of manicures. So you have to take care of it. There are several techniques natural for that. First of all, olive oil for rehydrate the nail, but also the white vinegar to whiten it. You can also use lemon juice or hydrogen peroxide. Simply pass this solution on a cotton pad and rub it on our nails. To strengthen scratched and weakened nails and enhance them, you can also apply a little lemon essential oil on them.

6) Be careful with nail polish!
A nice manicure can look great, but it does a lot of damage to the nail, not to mention the acetone nail polish remover needed to remove it! It is therefore advisable to carefully adhesives and the polir before applying varnish. Then don’t forget to apply a base, so that the color of the varnish does not stain the nail. Finally, let them breathe, because having varnish on your nails all the time can be harmful!