Very effective and aromatic, cloves or cloves have many medicinal properties. Antiseptic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory and local anesthetic, it is the perfect everyday ally thanks to its richness in eugenol! However, in reality, we do not always know its many benefits and we ignore it a little in our kitchens. So, discover 6 grandmother’s tips with cloves or clove essential oil that will improve your daily life.
Just make sure you are not allergic before using it and the essential oil is prohibited for pregnant women!
1) Effectively calm your teeth with cloves

It is one of the best natural remedies for toothache thanks to its antiseptic, anesthetic and antibacterial properties. It can treat painful periodontitis as well as calm a toothache. You can use clove essential oil on the gum or tooth with a cotton swab to relieve pain. Try not to not exceed one week of applicationright on time to go see your dentist urgently ! Otherwise, there is also the clove solution to chew gently for a few minutes or to crush before placing it on the tooth that is suffering. Finally, by infusing 5 to 6 nails in boiling water, you will obtain a excellent mouthwash against persistent dental pain and bad breath.
2) Eradicate stomach aches and digestive disorders

With a simple clove infusion, you can fight against gas and minor stomach pains linked to bloating. For that, 3 to 4 nails infused for 10 minutes in 250 ml of wateru will do the trick. Don’t forget to add a small dose of honey, lemon juice or a little cinnamon to flavor your decoction which could have a very strong and not very pleasant taste. Drink up to three cups of it outside of meals.
3) Keep colds and winter illnesses at bay

Clove is a powerful antiviral and antibacterial. It may therefore be useful to you for disease prevention and from the first symptoms of colds ! Before the meal, simply dilute 1 to 2 drops of its essential oil in a spoonful of honey or olive oil or sugar that you melt under the tongue. Repeat 1 to 3 times a day for up to a week. It can also be used against sore throats and loss of voice.
4) Soothe your rheumatism with cloves

Where the anti-inflammatory properties cloves pass, the pain passes away! We love it as much against rheumatism as against lumbago and other muscular pains which poison our lives. 10 drops of essential oil in 100 ml of fatty vegetable oil of your choice (sweet almond oil, etc.) will delight you during a simple massage.
5) In case of urinary infection (or kidney stones)

To calm and soothe urinary infectionsyou can once again opt for an infusion based on cloves as presented earlier. You can also add a drop (well, just one) of lavender essential oil for greater effectiveness against your cystitis. Of course, this shouldn’t stop you from going to see a doctor!
6) Chase away flies with cloves

Prick a whole apple or an orange or lemon cut in half with a few cloves to obtain a repellent which smells good and is super effective on pests! Flies and moths are not resistant to it. Find the best fly repellents on our site.
Unusual: Finally, note that clove essential oil is excellent against scabies.
Precautions for use and contraindications
Use cloves in moderation. Indeed, excessive consumption can cause side effects (irritation of the skin or mucous membranes, nausea and vomiting or even respiratory problems in the event of excessive inhalation of essential oil). Above all, favor use in the form of herbal teas, infusions or as a spice in cooking. Clove essential oil must be diluted before application. Finally, avoid prolonged use without medical advice. Side effects can also accumulate over time.
Pregnant or breastfeeding women should also avoid the use of essential oil due to its potential effects on the fetus or infant. Furthermore, it is not necessary Do not administer these natural solutions to young children without medical advice and people with gastrointestinal disorders, liver problems, or ulcers should generally avoid cloves. Additionally, cloves can interact with certain medicationsincluding anticoagulants and anti-inflammatories. It is therefore better to consult a doctor if you are taking treatment or if you have doubts about the healthy use of these natural remedies. Your healthcare professional will be best placed to advise you.