We recognize tinea versicolor by its white spots that peel slightly on the back, arms, abdomen, thorax, neck and even the face. This benign and unsightly skin problem is linked to microscopic fungi naturally present on the skin: candida albicans. Normally, Malassezia yeasts do not cause any problems except in this case where they have multiplied too much. This proliferation mainly affects adolescents, young adults or people whose immune systems are rather fragile. Heat and humidity (including excessive sweating and maceration) as well as hormonal changes are contributing factors to this whitish skin fungus.
For rapid healing, it is of course important to adopt a healthy, vitamin-rich diet to boost your immune system. However, you can also try these few natural remedies to treat this benign rash on the surface of the skin. Rest assured, the yeast in question is not very contagious. On the other hand, recurrence of these scaly skin mycoses is common.
1) Apple cider vinegar against pityriasis

Its antimicrobial properties make it a good ally against skin problems, particularly this skin fungus! You can first drink one to two spoons a day for internal treatment. It can also be applied directly to the skin on the affected areas after mixing with equal amounts of water. Remember to rinse after a quarter of an hour of application.
2) Garlic

This antifungal has proven more than once how useful it is for our health! To treat your pityriasis, choose to consume raw garlic to retain all its properties. You can add it to your dishes or consume two teeth on an empty stomach every day. If the idea of eating raw garlic doesn’t appeal to you, apply garlic juice to your spots daily. Rinse after twenty minutes.
3) Aloe vera

It has no equal when it comes to soothing and healing all skin types. Antifungal, soothing and anti-inflammatory, aloe vera never ceases to surprise us. Take a little gel and apply it to the areas to be treated two to three times a day for a month.
4) Coconut oil

This product is also very versatile and amazing in treating all types of problems. It is particularly an excellent remedy for your white spots due to pityriasis, because it prevents the excessive growth of fungi. Make a local application in a very thin layer on the areas affected by this skin infection and let it penetrate.
5) Argan oil

Its antifungal effects are very valuable for relieving and treating the skin. Do not hesitate to combine it with equal quantities of olive oil to develop the best possible remedy against flaking. Then apply it to the areas to be treated and leave to act for half an hour before rinsing. You can add 2 drops of tea tree essential oil.
6) Natural yogurt

You can apply natural yogurt as a mask and leave it on for half an hour on the spots linked to pityriasis. You will then need to rinse with lukewarm water and reapply regularly to eliminate the fungus! It is not with an application that this will solve the problem, for this remedy like the others, be consistent over time with the applications.
If these skin lesions resist, do not hesitate to consult a dermatologist. Its diagnosis will allow you to obtain local medicinal treatment against scales, irritations, itching and skin lesions linked to this skin disease (ketoconazole creams, lotion, etc.).