Tendinitis, strain… Our joints undergo numerous traumas, sometimes very painful, which unfortunately often occur during sporting activity. As for the joint sprain, it occurs after the stretching or rupture of one or more ligaments. Consulting a doctor is then a key point. Your doctor will in fact carry out a clinical examination to establish the severity of the injury, even if it means prescribing an x-ray to ensure that there is no fracture requiring rehabilitation and crutches. Along with the pharmacist, he or she will also be in the best position to prescribe good painkillers for you. To help you in your recovery, but also to relieve intense pain and reduce swelling and hematoma, you can also take care of your diet and try some natural remedies.
1) The right actions to soothe a sprain

To soothe a sprain, apply the GREC method which is divided into four axes:
GLACE : Use cold to calm inflammation and reduce swelling. Cold is in fact vasoconstrictor, anti-inflammatory and pain-relieving. This should be done as soon as the injury appears to limit swelling.
REPOS : Stop the joint to avoid worsening joint pain.
ELEVATION: Elevation of the lower limbs (ankle and knee) restarts venous return.
COMPRESSION : Use an elastic bandage, orthosis or splint to provide medical compression and provide good support without completely blocking or limping. This also encourages rest to help reduce swelling and bruising. In addition, this limits the risk of recurrence or the after-effects linked to this pathology. Your ligaments will thus be able to heal better.
2) Eat well to heal well

Food is a natural remedy in its own right since it improves the healing of joint lesions. To do this, ban acidifying and demineralizing foods : tea, coffee and sodas, red meats, refined sugars (sweets, etc.), excess dairy products… You must hydrate well with low mineralized water (Evian, Volvic, etc.) and consume a lot of foods rich in omega-3. These essential fatty acids are found in cod liver oil, walnut oil, rapeseed oil, nuts (walnuts, almonds, etc.), fatty fish such as salmon, linseed and chia, etc. Do not avoid foods rich in vitamins and minerals (fruits, vegetables, and whole grains).
In terms of food supplements, think about horsetail, nettle or organic siliconthe latter being a restorative which accelerates the healing process, improves joint mobility and relieves pain linked to ligament tears.
3) Green clay, among the most effective natural remedies for sprains

In the event of a strain, the green clay poultice provides anti-inflammatory properties which will help deflate the swollen area and relieve pain. It can be used alternately with cold for maximum effectiveness. Simply apply a thick layer to the instep or knee and cover with film or gauze without being too tight to avoid staining everything. After an hour, you can rinse and repeat if necessary.
4) Natural remedies based on essential oils for sprains

Italian helichrysum (or immortelle) essential oil is anti-inflammatory, pain-relieving, circulatory and tissue reconstituting. It is also one of the most effective essential oils for quickly reduce bruising and resolve edema quickly. Its little extra is that you can apply 3 pure drops to the swelling to relieve it during the first two days (the most critical!). You can then reapply it 30 minutes later without exceeding 5 applications per day. You can also make a synergy of essential oils very effective by combining essential oil of wintergreen (analgesic and anti-inflammatory) and essential oil of peppermint (analgesic with cold effect), 2 drops of each in vegetable oil. Apply this mixture locally and massage gently until absorbed.
5) Arnica to soothe bruises and more!

Arnica is not not good only for calming bruises ! Thanks to its analgesic and anti-inflammatory power, arnica is excellent after trauma for calm edema and reduce swelling. It can also be used in several forms depending on your preference to soothe a sprain:
Gel : Buy arnica gel in a pharmacy or in an organic store and follow the instructions on the leaflet or given in the pharmacy.
Homeopathy: Take a full dose of Arnica 15 CH as soon as the sprain occurs. Then, take 5 granules of Arnica 9 CH, at a rate of 5 granules every 30 minutes.
Dye: Dilute one teaspoon of arnica tincture* in 100 ml of water. Then, soak a compress with liquid and apply to the strain as soon as it occurs. Repeat 3 to 4 times a day, changing the compress each time.
* You can prepare an arnica tincture by macerating 10 g of dried arnica flowers for 5 days in 1 cl of 70° alcohol.
6) Other express natural remedies that provide relief in the event of a sprain

A compress of verbena
Boil a handful of verbena for 10 minutes in 500 ml of water. Then, let it cool and soak a compress and leave it for a quarter of an hour on the painful area.
Garlic oil
Cut three cloves of garlic and leave them to macerate overnight in a spoonful of olive oil. Use garlic oil to gently massage the painful sprain in the evening before bandaging it loosely.
Mint for pain
Do you have a few mint plants? It can serve as a quick relief anesthetic! To do this, crush a good handful between your hands and apply to the sprain. Then, hold everything in place with a clean cloth or loose bandage. You can do the same with garden plantain.