Not to be confused with onychomycosis (toenail fungus), the scientific term for this nail problem is “onychocryptosis”. However, the term “ingrown toenail” remains most commonly used to refer to what happens when the edge of the nail, often the big toe, digs into the soft tissue surrounding it. Inflammation in the soft areas around the nail results in more or less intense pain and localized redness in the affected area. Sometimes the condition of the ingrown toenail deteriorates if left untreated and pus begins to collect in the area. This is the beginning of a very painful purulent whitlow that needs to be properly disinfected… Here are remedies to relieve your ingrown toenails.
The causes are multiple: wearing narrow shoes or high heels, injuries, family or genetic predisposition responsible for nail malformation, nails poorly cut with nail clippers or scissors or too short… We might as well say it straight away. : no remedy will exempt you from going for a pedicure or going to the podiatrist. Surgical intervention under local anesthesia is sometimes necessary. SO, you need to consult a doctorespecially if you have to be prescribed antibiotics for your potential infection hidden under your labrum! In the meantime, here are some remedies to calm your ingrown toenails.
1) Garlic, a natural antibiotic against infections and inflammation

Use a mortar to crush a clove of garlic and apply the resulting paste to your nail. Wrap with a bandage and leave to act overnight. Repeat until you feel relief from the trauma that is causing your nail to suffer. This amazing, but very effective, natural remedy promotes healing of the skin and soothes redness.
2) Onion juice, a calming and anti-inflammatory antifungal and antibacterial

In local application, the onion has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties Who soothe pain and help prevent infections. To use against an ingrown toenail, cut a thin slice of onion and apply it directly to the affected area, then wrap it with a bandage or dressing to keep it in place. Leave it on for a few hours or overnight to benefit from its benefits, then rinse with lukewarm water.
Mix half an onion with 5 drops of fresh lemon juice. Make sure to get as much onion juice as possible during preparation. Then filter your mixture with a cloth and apply the resulting liquid to your nail with a cotton pad twice a day, every day.
3) Epsom salt bath to relax your legs and prevent nails from getting buried

Le sel d’Epsom reduces inflammation and softens the skin. It also soothes pain while softening the skin ! In short, it makes freeing the ingrown toenail easier and more manageable. Heat two liters of water, making sure it is not too hot either. Then add 60 g of Epsom salts. Put your feet there for a quarter of an hour. After this foot bath, dry them carefully and cover them with socks.
4) Hydrogen peroxide, a disinfectant for the skin around the nail against pain and the appearance of infections.

Oxygenated water disinfects the affected area, helps prevent infections and promotes tissue healing around the ingrown toenail. In a liter of lukewarm water, add 120 ml of hydrogen peroxide. Let your feet soak in this mixture for 15 or 20 minutes before drying your feet. Then put on socks or apply a bandage to the affected finger. Repeat daily on thickening if necessary.
5) Apple cider vinegar, an antibacterial that protects the area and reduces inflammation.

Mix 60ml of apple vinegar with 1 liter of hot water and use this mixture to make a foot bath for around twenty minutes. Dry your feet and then repeat this same treatment every day for a week. This should calm the swelling. In addition, apple cider vinegar fights excessive sweating ! This will therefore limit bad odors and what’s more, it will also help with athlete’s foot.
6) Vicks VapoRub, an anti-irritation antiseptic

You can use it alone on the nail to relieve pain. However, you can also crush a clove of garlic and mix that with a spoonful of ointment to create a paste. Rub this mixture onto the affected nail with a small piece of cotton and then wrap it with a bandage. Leave it on overnight and repeat this treatment daily for five days.
We advise you to reread this article about nail care to prevent ingrown toenails. For your toenails, always think about wear comfortable shoes. Time to heal, you will not risk aggravating the growth and the pain. And during healing, you will avoid a recurrence with the appearance of new bulges.
How to avoid ingrown toenails? Our prevention tips!

By following a few tips, you will significantly reduce the risk of ingrown toenails and protect your feet from discomfort and infection. Here’s how to prevent this painful problem with good hygiene and proper care for your feet and nails.
First of all, you have to cut your nails correctly. Indeed, the cutting method is crucial. Above all, avoid cutting your nails too short or rounded. They must be cut straight, leaving the corners slightly rounded to prevent the nail from sinking into the skin as it grows back. Also, never pull on a broken or ingrown nail, as this can make the situation worse and cause an infection. Above all, use a clean and disinfected nail clippersand cut carefully. After cutting your nails, gently file the hard edges to prevent them from becoming too sharp and digging into the skin.
The rest of the time, wearing suitable shoes is crucial. Shoes that are too tight or too narrow can actually put pressure on the toes, which encourages the appearance of ingrown toenails. Also and above all choose comfortable shoes with enough space for the toes. Pointed or too narrow ends should be avoided. Moreover, perform regular foot care. Take care of them in particular by cleaning them, moisturizing the skin and taking foot baths to soften the skin and nails. This helps reduce the risk of inflammation around the nails and paronychia (infection).
Finally, avoid foot trauma as much as possible. If you play a sport or activity that involves impact on your feet, protect them with suitable shoes to prevent injuries.