Having a fuller bust is the dream of many women. The problem is that many solutions to achieve this are artificial (very padded push-up bra, silicone breast prostheses in the neckline, etc.). Breast surgery is not as benign as you might think. However, natural solutions exist to have a bigger chest. Of course, this isn’t about going from an A cup to an F cup. A small breast won’t magically grow bigger without breast implants and cosmetic surgery. However, small breasts can try natural methods of having bigger breasts without going to the pool table. It is through 6 plants known in part for this that we are going to share with you some remedies for a larger breast. This will gently expand the size of the chest and shape your bust.
1) Fenugreek for a larger breast

The seeds of this plant can be found in spice aisles and are said to be a great way to stimulate appetite, digestion and weight gain. But if we are interested in it here, it is because its phytoestrogen content helps stimulate lactation and therefore increase breast size.
On your breasts, we advise you to opt for chest massages with fenugreek oil. To enlarge the breasts, you will need to massage in circular movements. If you cannot find this oil in stores or online, you can grind seeds and leave them to soak overnight in vegetable oil. Do a treatment of 10 days maximum then take a break of 3 months before starting again.
If you are pregnant or allergic to peanuts, move on.
2) Burdock

It increases blood flow to the chest, thus increasing their volume. Thanks to its estrogens, it is beneficial for breast tissues. An infusion is possible with 3 to 6 g of its roots or leaves in half a liter of hot water. Drink a cup 3 times a day. In addition, it is an excellent detox, antibacterial and anti-cancer infusion. However, avoid if you have gallstones or if you are pregnant or breastfeeding.
3) Fennel

It is a digestion ally which also protects the liver, but not only that! It modifies estrogen levels in the body thanks to its components (anethole, dianethole and photoanethole and phytoestrogens). This is what helps regulate the menstrual cycle, stimulate lactation and increase breast volume. Infuse 3 g of fennel seeds (maximum dose for one day) in 250 ml of boiling water. 20 to 30 minutes before your meal, drink 1 cup the first week, 2 the second and 3 the third.
Contraindications: history of convulsion, epilepsy or tumors, pills, breastfeeding or pregnancy and taking certain medications (check with your doctor).
4) Pueraria mirifica (ou To them Krua)

Basically, this Thai plant is used for memory or against senility. In 1950, a British botanist, Herbert Kenneth Airy Shaw, even spoke of a “ fountain of youth “. But another of its qualities is its richness in phytoestrogens. This plant thus promotes blood circulation, the accumulation of fat in the breasts and the hydration of this area. According to a study, it must be consumed daily to see effects on the breasts between 3 and 6 months.
5) Anise

It contains a high dose of phytoestrogens, so opt for green anise seeds consumed regularly to obtain larger breasts.
6) Licorice root

It contains two key hormones in breast volume gain: prolactin and estrogen. You need to grind a small amount (the equivalent of a teaspoon). Before the 3 main meals, put the crushed root under the tongue for 15 minutes before swallowing it with a large glass of water. Be careful in case of hypertension! As with other plants, it is better to find out about contraindications before using a plant.
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