You take your car every day or almost. But between work, kids and Netflix, you never really took the time to pamper her. It’s a shame, this car is beautiful (in its own way). In addition, you carefully keep your last coin for the shopping cart because “shopping is more important”. No, to clean your expensive car, you will only have to rely on yourself and these few tips.
1 — Baking soda, for seats
In your car it never really smelled of roses and it’s not this little vanilla-scented tree that will change anything. We will have to clean thoroughly. To do this, equip yourself with your miracle product: baking soda. On the first day, sprinkle your seats and carpets with the substance. Rub with a soft brush and leave to act overnight.
On the second day, scrub the carpets and seats with a brush then vacuum them. Then move on to the floor and the doors. Lower the suction power for the dashboard. Using a soft cloth and a cleaning product, scrub plastic surfaces and synthetic fabrics.

2 — Clean the windows
For spotless windows, use a sponge soaked in lukewarm water with a little dishwashing liquid and white vinegar (external and internal window walls, windshield, rear window). This mixture also helps fight against fogging. Against rain marks, you can add three drops of anti-limescale to your mixture. Wipe immediately with crumpled newspaper then shine with a dry, lint-free cloth or microfiber cloth to avoid marks.

3 — Windshield wipers (windshield wipers are important)
Yes, cleaning the windshield wipers might just make a difference one day. To do this, clean the squeegees with a cloth and a mixture of water and white vinegar or antifreeze. Then wipe with a clean sponge to avoid streaks.

4 — The bodywork
For the bodywork, place your car in the shade then hose it down with hot water to eliminate dust. Rub the bodywork using a non-abrasive cloth dampened with lukewarm water and detergent. Rinse then wipe the sheet metal and windows with a chamois to avoid the appearance of limescale marks.

5 — For the hubcaps?
So for the hubcaps, you can prepare a solution composed of 50% diesel and 50% liquid black soap. Shake until the mixture becomes homogeneous, then distribute the product on your hubcaps using a brush. Leave on for ten minutes and rinse.

6 — The grille
Is your grille a veritable insect cemetery? Use nylon stockings or pantyhose soaked in soapy water. Quite simply.

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