We love garlic in cooking for its incomparable flavor. However, we generally know little about its medicinal virtues and benefits for our health. In fact, in addition to being delicious, antibacterial and anti-inflammatory, it is excellent for blood circulation. It is therefore not surprising that traditional Chinese medicine strongly recommends daily consumption of garlic (some Chinese suck a clove of garlic every morning for half an hour). It has been commonly used in the past to treat colds, various infections and even kidney disease. So here are 6 of the best uses to use your cooked or raw garlic for your health.
1) An ally against imperfections

Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, applying garlic to the skin reduces excess sebum and prevents the appearance of spots on the epidermis. In particular, you can apply antiseptic garlic juice to your pimples in the evening before going to bed to prevent them from becoming infected. This will speed up healing. If you notice that your skin does not tolerate it well, opt for a gentler treatment (with honey for example in which you can dilute your condiment).
2) To fight against a fungal infection
Garlic is antibacterial and is an excellent antifungal. Your fungus linked to yeast and fungus on your toenails will not show a wrinkle! To do this, prepare a basin of hot water to which you will add 10 cloves of garlic and 2 tablespoons of olive oil. Soak your feet in it for half an hour and take the opportunity to relax. Do this every evening. You can also prepare a sort of ointment to put on the area affected by the infection with crushed garlic and olive oil. Cover with cotton.
3) Against toothache

Poor oral hygiene often causes toothache and garlic can help relieve pain and help treat the problem thanks to its antibiotic and anti-inflammatory power. Crush a clove of garlic and add salt to it. Apply this preparation regularly to the sore tooth. Chewing a clove or two of garlic can also quickly relieve your toothache.
4) To remove thorns
Apply crushed garlic clove to the area and cover with a bandage. Leave it on for at least an hour so that the garlic can properly clean the wound, regenerate the cells and help remove the thorn.
5) Stronger, more beautiful nails

Garlic contains vitamins and minerals, and if you want to prevent your nails from being damaged and promote their strengthening, do not hesitate to crush a few cloves of garlic and put them in a glass containing hot water and let it “infuse” a little. Slide your nails into it for around twenty minutes at least twice a day on weekends or on days when you stay at home (the smell sticks to your skin, but it’s a blessing in disguise!). You can also slip garlic and castor or argan oil into a clean nail polish bottle to make a homemade hardening nail polish.
6) For stronger immune defenses, the flu and colds will be nothing more than a bad memory.
We mentioned earlier, regular consumption of garlic is good for health, as it provides the body with good nutrients, antioxidants (like quercetin), trace elements, organosulfur compounds ( such as allicin) and vitamins beneficial for the immune system. This will be ready to effectively fight diseases and infections of all kinds or even certain cancers. A study has also proven that eating raw garlic twice a week reduces the risk of lung cancer by half. Its components inhibit the process of multiplication of cancer cells. Garlic is also known to help lower cholesterol levels, cardiovascular disease, high blood pressure, etc.
So, why deprive yourself of using garlic for your health?