Jewelry is a real addiction for some people who never tire of collecting it and finding new little gems to complete an outfit. But like all beautiful things, jewelry deserves a minimum of maintenance to remain as beautiful as the first day and tips are always good to take to make it easier to use. This is what we are going to offer you here!
1) When traveling, you can prevent your necklaces from getting tangled or damaged by slipping them through a simple straw.
Find all our tips with straws right here.

2) If a necklace is already tangled, sprinkle a little talcum powder on it, knead lightly and untie the knots.
Talc will make detangling 100% easier. You can also use a pin to help you.

3) For sparkling gold or diamond jewelry, place two denture cleaning tablets in a little water.
When they are dissolved, place your jewelry in them for 5 to 10 minutes. Be careful, don’t use this technique on pearls or silver… it might not look good!

4) If a ring is stuck on your finger, wrap some wire around it, tightening it a little for a few seconds. Quickly loosen and remove the ring.
Find three techniques against a stuck ring in this article. There will definitely be one that works! 😉

5) To put on a bracelet without help, unfold a paper clip and use it to hold the bracelet so you can hang the hook on it.

6) To make the diamonds on your wedding ring shine, spray 3 sprays of window cleaner into a small container filled with hot water.
After giving him a 10-minute bath, scrub everything with an old toothbrush. You can also give it a bath in water and dishwashing liquid before scrubbing with your brush.

7) If you no longer like a piece of jewelry (too kitsch, improbable color, etc.), give it a new look with colored nail polish.

8) For costume jewelry or jewelry with rhinestones, apply transparent varnish as protection.
The varnish will ensure that the rhinestones cannot come off and will prevent the jewelry from tarnishing or rubbing off.

9) To avoid losing any earrings, you can hang them together on a button.
This is ideal when traveling so that no loops get mixed up with clothes.

10) For a ring that is too big, use hot or silicone glue.
The tip is detailed on this link. Sorry, Grandma has been working on it, but doesn’t yet have a solution for rings that are too small… other than maybe not buying them! 😉 😉

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