The use of aluminum foil in food is very controversial. Still, many of us have a rolling pin tucked away somewhere in the kitchen, and you have to use it! If it cannot be used for cooking or preserving food, nothing prevents it from finding its full usefulness… for the maintenance of the entire house! Indeed, when used correctly, it can surprisingly replace certain household products and help make the house cleaner and sparkling. Discover these unusual tips that use aluminum for home maintenance.
1) Aluminum in the dishwasher for dish care
Adding aluminum to the dishwasher in addition to the tablets results in a chemical reaction. This makes it possible to obtain more effective washing, and in particular to shine the cutlery. Aluminum also helps fight and recover rust particles that can tend to settle on silverware over time. To do this, cut aluminum and crumple it without compressing it too much. Your ball should be the size of a golf ball. Then slide everything into the cutlery tray and run a cleaning cycle. This will make the dishes shine.
2) Aluminum for laundry care

You may already know the trick of putting balled aluminum in the drum of the washing machine or dryer before starting a cycle. This simple tip allows you to combat static electricity in laundry. This makes it possible to eliminate the positive and negative charges produced during washing. So you’ll never have shaggy hair again after putting on a sweater!
3) Help for faster and more efficient ironing
You may have already seen the trick of sliding aluminum behind your radiator to return heat more efficiently. Well! This principle can also be used to iron twice as quickly. And that’s good, because it’s a chore that we could do without… To use the aluminum properly here, simply slip it under the ironing board cover or under a cloth before ironing. Then, we proceed to hunt for folds as usual except for one detail: we can iron both sides of the garment at once thanks to this magical technique!
4) Aluminum to clean a very dirty dish

Whether it’s for cleaning a burned gratin dish or removing charred dirt from a barbecue grill, aluminum is very effective. Once crumpled, it can be used replacing the sponge in combination with dishwashing detergent and water. This allows you to scrape away food remains and loosen dirt in a single gesture. This is a very practical troubleshooting tip when you no longer have a scraper sponge on hand! And of course, you can keep your aluminum on the corner of the sink to reuse it. You will no longer need chemicals to remove dirt. This indeed remains waste, let us not forget that.
5) Aluminum against rust and tarnishing
You can absolutely rub somecrumpled and wet aluminum against rust to make those stubborn stains disappear easily. Furthermore, it is very often used in the maintenance of silverware and silver jewelry tarnished by time. To do this, line a container with aluminum. Then add a little lukewarm water, salt or baking soda and dishwashing liquid. After a quarter of an hour bath, your silver service and your jewelry will be shiny and like new !