Maintaining the house and especially laundry can be a nightmare. In fact, we are always happy that there are multi-use products to simplify the task. White vinegar and baking soda are two examples of household products that have all the talents. And if white vinegar is wonderful on clothes, bicarbonate is not to be outdone. In addition to reviving colors, it also softens laundry and removes unpleasant odors embedded in the textile. But how do you use bicarbonate exactly? Grandma gives you the essential tips for using bicarbonate in clothing care.
Caution, avoid using it to clean or remove silk and wool.
1) Bicarbonate allows perfect washing of clothes in the washing machine

First of all, this powder will allow reinforce the action of liquid detergent. In fact, it helps remove grease and proteins responsible for stains on clothes. By adding bicarbonate, we can also afford touse less detergent and therefore save money! To do this, halve the amount of detergent and replace it with 15 to 30 g of bicarbonate in the detergent compartment. Additionally, it is great as a fabric softener. Add some 90 g in the rinse cycle to counter the harmful effects of limescale which makes clothes rough and dull.
2) Remove clothing stains with baking soda

To unclog the cooking plates as well as to scrub all surfaces, the homogeneous paste made from water and bicarbonate is essential. And of course, it can also be used on clothes to remove grease, food, red wine, coffee, mud or grass stains… Simply rub it with a brush and leave for a little before to rinse. For more effectiveness on stubborn stains, the best mixture remains a mixture composed of one part dishwashing liquid, two parts hydrogen peroxide and one part bicarbonate. Last option, the homemade pre-wash stain remover type K2R based on water, sodium bicarbonate and black soap. In 20 minutesit erases stains very effectively!
4) Deodorize clothes using bicarbonate

As mentioned earlier, bicarbonate is a powerful deodorizing agent. This is explained by its porous structure allowing odors to be trapped. Furthermore, he blocks the development of odor-causing bacteria…hence its presence in natural deodorants! Also, it is very useful to sprinkle in the dirty laundry basket as it is filled to neutralize the foul odors that escape. That it contains sports gear, baby clothes or underwearnothing will resist him. And of course, there’s no need to dust clothes before putting them in the washing machine! Put everything in the drum and start your wash cycle. Still against odors, you can also add 1 tablespoon (15 g) in the softener drawer of the washing machine. This will remove tobacco or sweat odors.
5) For hand washing clothes

Some delicate garments cannot be machine washed and require hand washing. Baking soda can be very useful for these clothes! All you need to do is fill your sink with lukewarm water and add this powder. Mix well to dissolve each grain and immerse your clothes in it. After washing, rinse in a cold water bath. This technique is excellent for clean, deodorize, remove stains and revive the colors without harming the fibers of clothing.
6) Baking soda to whiten clothes: true or false?

Le bicarbonate does not contain any bleaching agents. The belief that it can whiten clothes results from people confusing it with baking soda. The latter in fact releases oxygenated water when it dissolves, hence its whitening power. On the other hand, bicarbonate is excellent for preserving colors and restoring shine. This perhaps explains why it is believed to be whitening: it preserves white linen and acts preventively in removing the limescale that tarnishes it ! You will have understood: it acts as prevention, but has no treatment effect. For real whitening of white linen, it is better to opt for percarbonate or other natural products (sorrel salt, soda crystals, lemon juice, etc.). Above all, avoid bleach, which turns white clothes yellow.