Skin tags, fibroepithelial papilloma, fibroepithelial polyp or nipples. These names refer to all the small growths in the armpits, neck, groin or under the breasts. Although completely benign, painless and non-cancerous, they are no less unsightly and unpleasant in the same way as milia grains. Friction can indeed cause irritation. It is therefore normal to want to get rid of it. Here are some natural remedies from grandmother or products you have at home to make this skin problem disappear without pain or scarring.
Why do we have skin tags?
Skin tags are caused by a buildup of dead skin and fatty tissue in the upper layers of the skin. In reality, the exact causes of their formation are not fully understood. However, doctors and dermatologists agree that they can be associated with factors such as age, obesity, pregnancy and endocrine disorders. Furthermore, people with finer, clearer skin are more likely to develop skin tags.
There is no exhaustive list of medical treatments that promote the formation of skin tags, but certain medications can increase the risk of developing these skin growths. This includes steroids, immunosuppressive medications, medications containing vitamin B12, anticonvulsant medications, and some medications to treat diabetes. The appearance of skin tags, however, remains a rare side effect of these drugs which are also often used to treat fairly serious illnesses. Also, if you suspect medication, do not stop it and consult a doctor to discuss it first.
How to remove skin tags? Here are the remedies that work!
No need to go to the pharmacy or consult a dermatologist to remove a skin tag! You can do it at home with natural ingredients from the cupboard or inexpensive products that you probably already have in your bathroom.
1) Nail polish against skin tags

Transparent nail polish is the ingredient in one of the treatments against these unsightly and unpleasant growths. We recommend local application twice a day of this varnish until the skin tag comes off. Use is of course not recommended on sensitive areas such as around the anus, around the eyes (on the eyelids), nostrils or lips.
2) The winning combo: baking soda and castor oil

By mixing the two ingredients until you have a thick paste (two teaspoons of castor oil and one teaspoon of baking soda should be a good dosage), you can create a very effective balm for dry out the tissues that make up the fleshy growth and, ultimately, cause it to fall off. It can take about two weeks if you apply it well 3 times a day with a cotton swab. In particular, you can put it on at night and cover with a bandage then rinse with lukewarm water the next day.
3) Apple cider vinegar

Its acetic acid is appreciated by skin prone to various skin conditions. It is therefore one of the best natural treatments to apply on each small growth. In fact, he will remove dead skin and help the epidermis reveal all its beauty. On the other hand, it is a natural remedy to avoid near the eyes or the anus. To do this, soak a cotton pad in apple cider vinegar and leave it on the skin for 10 to 15 minutes. Repeat daily for about two weeks. After that, wash and soap the skin thoroughly.
4) Fenugreek seeds

It is a classic of Arabic, Greek, Italian and Indian medicine thanks to its powerful antioxidants. Soak the seeds in water overnight and drink this water on an empty stomach the next day. You can alternatively chew the soaked seeds. Be careful not to consume more than 100 g per day and do not try this remedy if you have thyroid problems or anemia.
5) Oregano oil

It contains thymol, arvacrol and p-cymene which are very antibacterial, but also antimelanomic, antispasmodic, anti-inflammatory, antioxidant and antiseptic properties. In short, this oil is well equipped to fight skin tags. Thanks to it, it usually takes about a month to dry out before the growth falls off. Prepare a mixture of four to six drops of coconut oil and two to three drops of oregano oil and apply to the area to be treated three times a day. Avoid contact with eyes. You can also use pure tea tree essential oil on a cotton pad and leave it on overnight using a plaster!
6) Fresh garlic to remove skin tags

He is great against various skin infections. Crush a few pods until you get a nice paste to apply to the flesh balls every day. Cover this preparation with a bandage and leave it on overnight. The next day, rinse with lukewarm water.
7) Onions

To benefit from the effects of the acidic juice, cut an onion into small pieces and add half a teaspoon of salt. Leave to macerate overnight in a tightly closed container. The next day, collect the juice. As with garlic, apply this to skin tags in the evening under a bandage and rinse with lukewarm water.
8) Dental floss: the immediate tip for quickly removing skin tags
If you don’t have the patience to wait for one of these remedies to work, the solution remains to wrap the wire tightly at the base of the skin tag (a little more every day)! Ligation with a sewing thread (or even a hair!) often stops the blood flow to an area of the body. So, after changing color and shape over the days, this skin growth will simply end up falling off in a few days without leaving any lesion or scar or it being too painful. However, remember to carefully wash and disinfect the equipment you are going to use as well as your hands.
Does the problem persist? Do not hesitate to consult a doctor or dermatologist. The latter can sometimes remove them under local anesthesia.