Having a difficult end to the month can happen to anyone. Between credits and loans (notably the mortgage loan to be repaid), unforeseen events… the monthly budget can explode and a situation of over-indebtedness is never far away! And it’s always unpleasant to have to tighten your belt, financially speaking. Fortunately, we can carry out certain activities outside of work to make ends meet. In the event of financial difficulties each month, or even debt, this can reduce the budget. And that’s not all! From now on, thanks to these 7 techniques, it will be easier to survive difficult ends of the month.
1) Pay in cash rather than by credit card
It’s easier to know how much money you’re spending when you have it right on you. Withdraw an amount at the start of each week, then leave your bank card aside. You will then be able to better manage your money each week.
2) Use coupons
Try to shop strategically to save money. On the Internet, by being on the lookout for any reduction, you can build up your stocks while saving a few dozen euros. It’s not much, but it’s still good for your purchasing power!
3) Have no-purchase days
Try every week to prepare for a day (or several) without spending a single euro. You will save money in the long term.
4) Buy fresh, seasonal foods
Eating local puts producers in your region to work. And what’s more, it will allow you to consume fresh products (compared to industrial products), save money and taste new flavors.
5) Use natural products as household products
It is possible to use more natural and equally effective products to replace your household products. Lemon, baking soda, white vinegar… All these everyday elements will allow you to clean your house without having to buy expensive chemicals!
6) Prefer public transport to the car
Between its maintenance, gasoline and parking spaces, the car costs several hundred euros. A trip by bus, tram or metro will be more ecological, but above all less expensive. And if public transport doesn’t tempt you, try carpooling!
7) Replace meat with beans, chickpeas or lentils
These vegetables are rich in protein, iron and minerals. They are cheaper than meat and will be a good alternative to balance your meals. And of course, this will help you get ahead of the difficult ends of the month!