Subway bars are often considered the epitome of dirty objects. We can imagine all the dirty hands that have been placed on it without having been washed, especially after going to the toilet or coughing on it. We then imagine all the pathogenic germs and dirt that wander on its surface. In their 2019 investigation, microbiologists relayed by the Quebec daily La Presse had also estimated that there were more than 100 colonies of bacteria or yeast on a surface of 33.18 cm² of bar. However, some objects that we use every day don’t do any better. Here are these unsuspected objects whose dirt would make any self-respecting subway bar or toilet bowl pale.
We will also provide you, when possible, with tips for cleaning these objects and disinfecting them without bleach in order to avoid any spread of disease.
1) The kitchen sponge, well known for being one of the very dirty objects

If you keep your sponges for more than two weeks, you have already exceeded the recommended maximum time! Maybe learning that there is 25 to 54 billion germs per cm² of sponge you will no longer want to keep them for too long. In addition to changing it very regularly, you should avoid using your sponge for everything: dishes, cleaning, etc. Keep one sponge for each household task! And to clean a sponge, putting it in the dishwasher or washing machine is ideal.
2) The remote control, handled every day by hands full of fingers!

Count 290 potentially pathogenic microorganisms per cm² of remote control ! For this reason, this bacteria nest is considered by researchers to be 20 times dirtier than your toilet seat. To clean it, make your own wipes to wipe and disinfect this object. They can also be used on door handles, etc. To do this, mix equal parts vinegar and filtered or boiled water in an airtight jar. Then add 10 drops of tea tree essential oil (or tea tree, antibacterial) and immerse squares of fabric or microfiber cloths inside. Your disinfectant wipes will be ready to use!
3) The bath duck

Bath ducks and other plastic toys of this type are real breeding grounds for microbes and mold. For a duck, we find between 5 and 75 million cells, including potentially pathogenic germs. If you can’t do without it, at least remember to clean it with soapy water, white vinegar or better yet, household alcohol after each use. Also remember to plug the holes in plastic bath toys to prevent moisture from entering and macerating.
4) The shower head

A scientific study relayed by France Info has demonstrated that our shower heads are breeding grounds for non-tuberculous mycobacteria (NTM). However, these mycobacteria can cause pulmonary, skin and lymphatic infectionsespecially in immunocompromised people. To clean it, simply let it soak for several hours in a plastic bag containing white vinegar. This will descale it and clean it thoroughly.
5) The cell phone, definitely among the dirtiest objects

Are you one of those who take it everywhere (transport, work, toilets, etc.)? And do you notice pimples on your cheeks where you hold it? Know one thing: your phone can house up to 7000 types of bacteria. As such, it contains 18 times more than the toilet bowl. Not surprising when you know that it is constantly handled and placed everywhere (bottom of the handbag, tables, etc.). These same bacteria are then found on our hands, our mouth, the kitchen worktop where we place it… A virus can also survive for hours on this smooth surface. To clean the hull, use soapy water. And to clean the phone, ban rubbing alcohol which burns its components in favor of simple household alcohol or isopropyl alcohol.
6) Never without your water bottle? Read this!

Very appreciated by defenders of a zero waste lifestyle, the water bottles display on the counter up to 900,000 bacteria per cm² ! To clean and deodorize it, pour a mixture of white vinegar and dishwashing detergent inside for 24 hours. Then rinse carefully with very hot water. If the bottle is very dirty or contains dirt, pour some rice inside with a little soapy water and shake it. This will help scrape the inside. Then, clean with vinegar and dishwashing liquid exposed earlier.
7) The computer keyboard among the dirtiest objects (hands down!)

Do you work on the computer regularly? You will see your keyboard differently when you know that it has 400 times more germs than the toilet bowl ! Like all objects that we handle with our hands, it is easily dirty. Here you can optionally vacuum the keyboard to remove crumbs and dust. Then, do a first cleaning with a cloth soaked in distilled water, then with alcohol at 70°C. Above all, do not saturate the cloth too much with liquid so as not to flood the keyboard. Then let it air dry. If you don’t need your keyboard much, you can also unplug it… and put it in the dishwasher! Let it dry completely before plugging it back in.
Other dirty everyday objects that we don’t think about:

The refrigerator is a device where temperature differences help bacteria to proliferate. In your vegetable drawer, you will find for example 750 times the maximum dose of bacteria ! You will find household products for cleaning and disinfection here. As for cutting boards, they are also landmarks for microbes that creep into the wood and grooves. Poorly maintained, they contain 200 times more germs than your toilet bowl. This is why you need to have a cutting board for raw meat and fish and another for other foods. Read our cleaning tips for the cutting board here.
Good to know : Banknotes win the gold medal in all categories with 26,000 bacteria, including viruses that can survive more than 2 weeks on them. There therefore remains a risk of contamination. On restaurant menus that are not properly disinfected, germs can remain active for 18 hours. A study showed that the peanuts given at the bar as an accompaniment to the aperitif contained no less than 14 different traces of urine. Cheers!