This natural phenomenon of armpit sweating gives us a hard time… Sometimes, even the best deodorant can’t do anything against unpleasant odors in the armpits. And what’s more, when you are wary of deodorants based on aluminum salts, it is not always easy to find a very effective alternative to regulate your sweat glands (potassium alum stone, sage, etc.), not to mention the irritation! The proliferation of bacteria and toxins in the armpits causes bad odors to appear there. However, the last thing we want is to smell so bad that we no longer dare to raise our arms or move them! Here are 7 natural tips to combat heavy armpit sweating and associated odors.
1) The amazing duo: lemon and baking soda

You can try this remedy in the morning to start the day off right. It is excellent against bacteria responsible for bad odors but also against dark armpits. Moisten 1 spoonful of baking soda with the juice of half a lemon. Rub this paste on your armpits, massaging gently. Then let it dry well, removing the grains.
2) Antibacterial and lightening aloe vera
Rub your armpits with a little aloe vera gel. Let it dry well then remove the traces with a cloth to prevent the aloe vera from staining.
3) Scots pine water antibacterial and antiperspirant

Put 1 handful of Scots pine leaves in a liter of water and bring everything slowly to the boil. Then cook over low heat for 20 minutes. Then complete with cold water to take an anti-sweating bath and to avoid hyperhidrosis. You can do this treatment whenever you want.
4) Apple cider vinegar
Mix 4 spoons of apple cider vinegar with 1 spoon of alcohol. Apply this under your armpits and let it dry well. Do this twice a day.
5) Thyme and rosemary

Like sage which is excellent against excessive sweating, these two ingredients can help you counteract hyperhidrosis and bad odors. Bring two liters of water to the boil then add 1 handful of thyme and another of rosemary. Let this mixture cook for 10 minutes before covering. Once at room temperature, use this mixture in a bath or apply it to the armpits with a cloth.
6) Corn starch for its absorbent properties and to control sweating of smelly armpits
Mix 1 spoonful of cornstarch with another of baking soda. On clean armpits, apply this natural deodorant. If the powdery appearance bothers you, use it in the evening to have peace of mind the next day. Very effective!
7) Potato against excessive sweating and to refresh the skin

Two or three times a day, place potato slices under your armpits and leave for 20 minutes.
To complete this, you can take a look at our article against bad body odor. These 20 practical tips are a real summer survival guide! And if nothing helps, botulinum toxin injections (botox) at your dermatologist can help calm your problems with sweating and odor in the armpits. Also simply remember to shave or wax and limit synthetic tops which promote sweat and bad odor.