In summer, we know, it’s hot. Who says heat means sweating and sometimes the smells that go with it. So, of course, you can apply our natural and effective homemade deodorant, but sometimes that’s not enough. You know our body tips that stick to the skin in summer, or our 5 tips for removing bad odors from shoes. Today we offer you a complete guide to know how to smell good all summer and avoid having bad odors.
1) Focus on fresh scents
In summer, what feels good is cool, we know that. It’s the same with smells. To avoid having them, simply rely on rather fresh scents like citrus fruits. Besides, our homemade deodorant is orange-based! Take the opportunity to make it and everyone will wonder who smells so good!

2) Be ready in all circumstances
You know, sometimes, after a long day, you can’t control your sweat or your odors. People crowd into the metro, we keep warm. You must therefore be ready in all circumstances with a small emergency kit to always have with you. You can put a mini-deodorant in it like many brands sell. You can also place some wipes for personal hygiene in your small bag.
3) Prepare your body for perfume
And especially the area that we perfume. Many people say that perfume doesn’t last well on bare skin. You must therefore apply something oily to the area to be perfumed: oil, vaseline. In small quantities of course! To make the smells last longer.

4) Make lots of use of deodorant
Deodorant doesn’t have to be limited to the underarms. These aren’t the only areas of the body where you sweat! If you have long hair, the sweat may reach your neck or back. Don’t hesitate to put a little deodorant in these areas. You can also apply it to your feet, many deodorants are specialized for this part of the body.
5) Keep your perfume cool
The perfume components do not hold heat very well. Do not hesitate to store your bottle in the refrigerator. This tip will allow you to have a better quality perfume! Also store your makeup: lipstick or varnish for better hold!
6) Perfume your hair
Your dream hair can sometimes have its smells. It’s normal! It happens to everyone. Don’t panic anymore! In addition, this tip allows for better diffusion of your sweet perfume. Your hair will twirl in the wind attracting everyone who wonders where that beautiful smell comes from. Tip: the perfume lasts better on the hair than on the skin.

7) Take care of your feet
We never say it enough, but take care of your little feet! They are fragile and don’t like heat too much! To avoid heat odors, you can wear ventilated shoes or closed shoes with socks. Otherwise, if you have closed shoes, but no socks, talcum powder is a good alternative to avoid blisters, bacteria and odors!

In addition to looking beautiful, you will be the one with the best perfume this summer. Your dream vacation is yours!