Hair removal with cold wax or hot wax like oriental wax is far from being a pleasure. This is all the more true for sensitive areas such as bikini waxing (whether you choose the full bikini, the high-cut bikini or the Brazilian bikini) or the armpits. However, we have to go through this if we find the hairs unsightly and want soft skin free of all hair. After pulsed light offering permanent hair removal, this hair removal technique remains the most durable. Even with all of these tips for pain-free waxing, hair removal will of course never be completely pain-free on some parts of the body. However, this can reconcile you a little with your beautician and limit post-waxing redness.
1) Size matters for painless hair removal!

No need to make an appointment at the beauty salon or waste wax strips if the hairs are short. You risk suffering for nothing and leaving many hairs behind, because they will be difficult to remove. Of course, it depends on the area to be waxed. However, in general, it is better to wait until the hair is About 5 or 6 mm for the legs and pubis. To give you an idea, it’s about the size of a grain of rice! And know that if they are too long, beauticians cut them a little with scissors before using hair removal wax.
2) Limit caffeine before hair removal session

Unfortunately, the stimulating effect of coffee is not without increase sensitivity. Also, we advise you to switch to decaf for a day to minimize the pain of hair removal. Also favor water which will help keep the body hydrated and make hair removal more bearable.
3) Do not drink alcohol before your hair removal sessions

What’s better than alcoholic drinks to relax, anesthetize yourself and have painless hair removal? In fact, everything… Indeed, alcohol will dehydrate you. As a result, the hairs will more cling to their dehydrated hair follicles. This will therefore lead to even more painful hair removal. So reserve your aperitif for after waxing, just to pay tribute to your courage!
4) Check when your period arrives, it plays a big role!

Having good monitoring of your menstrual cycle helps promote pain-free hair removal, especially in the crotch area. In fact, your hormones are boiling at certain times during the month and this can make you cozier. To avoid pain, avoid hair removal during the days preceding the menstrual cycle and the first two to three days. Ideally, we advise you to wait a week after the end of your period for greater peace of mind.
5) For pain-free hair removal, wait until after lunch

The ideal would be to make an appointment in the afternoon, around 3 to 5 p.m. Indeed, endorphin production is at its peak around these times. However, this substance secreted by the pituitary gland is a 100% natural painkiller ! Therefore, it will always be easier to soothe a headache or do pain-free hair removal at this time. It’s science that says it 😉
6) Start waxing at a young age

All bodies and hairs react differently. However, by dint of waxing, the hairs become thinner and the pain becomes generally less strong. On the contrary, when you do years of shaving with a razor or using depilatory cream, the hair thickens and especially becomes coarser. Also, when you switch to traditional waxing after years of using these methods, you suffer more, because the hair is resistant, thick, reinforced and not used to it. Avoid youthful mistakes: it’s better to use wax from the start for painless hair removal!
7) Relax…

It’s stupid, but anticipating pain and being stressed, having your body tense, will not help you feel less pain. It’s quite the opposite! Whether it’s with music or a nice podcast, going to the salon or doing hair removal at home already becomes a less painful moment of relaxation. If necessary, visualize positive images and focus on them: your favorite place, a heavenly place… In short, for pain-free hair removal, put yourself in good condition and breathe deeply. In addition, prefer hair removal when you are in a good mood. With stress and fatigue, even overwork, our body feels hair removal as yet another attack and reacts very badly. Wait until you are in good shape and you can trust your body: everything will be fine!
8) What care before painless hair removal?

Care does not necessarily affect pain. However, they can limit hair under the skin and prepare the epidermis for hair removal ! It will thus be very effective and quick to suffer less for a long time. To do this:
-The day before, take a hot bath to dilate your pores.
-Also make a scrub the day before to avoid ingrown hairs and better remove fine hairs. To exfoliate, prefer slow and careful movements to rapid and too forceful exfoliation which tears the skin. Above all, don’t rush this step!
-Moisturize your skin regularly. The hair grows better when the skin is supple. However, do not apply nothing in the hours before hair removal. The wax may not adhere well.
-At home, apply talc or even better white clay before hair removal. For wet areas like the armpits or groin, this will allow the hairs to adhere well.
Hair removal: how to relieve the skin to display hairless skin without pain?

After each hair removal, you must nourish and hydrate your skinwhich will help relieve pain and irritation. Here it is possible to apply sweet almond oil, coconut oil (anti-inflammatory) or aloe vera (well known for its soothing and moisturizing properties) daily. After hair removal, these treatments will soften, soften, nourish and relieve the skin, but also maintain the skin barrier and prevent dryness. The skin only becomes more beautiful!
Furthermore, drink plenty of water to maintain good skin hydration and wear loose cotton clothing after hair removal to avoid friction and irritation. Additionally, take a cold or lukewarm shower rather than a hot shower to avoid making the irritation worse, especially at first. Above all, avoid using deodorant or products containing alcohol, perfumes or other irritating ingredients on freshly shaved skin and also reduce hot baths, saunas and jacuzzis for the first 24 hours after hair removal to prevent irritation and infections. And above all, refrain from scratching or rubbing the shaved areaeven if it itches, to prevent infections and further irritation.
Other natural remedies to calm the skin and reduce redness
-Firstly, you can apply cold compresses or an ice pack wrapped in a cloth over the shaved area can help reduce inflammation.
-Tea tree oil has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory properties while lavender essential oil is soothing and anti-inflammatory. So you can mix a few drops of one of these essential oils with a carrier oil of your choice and apply this gently to the skin to prevent infections and calm irritation.
-Otherwise, the fresh cucumber has refreshing and moisturizing properties. You can therefore apply slices of it to depilated skin or use its juice to combat burning sensations.
-Thanks to its soothing and anti-inflammatory properties,chamomile infusion applied with a cotton pad or compress will also do you good. This is also the case for green teaallow to cool before applying to reduce irritation.
-Soothing and hydrating, natural yogurt is another good option to apply and leave on like a mask.
-Another good remedy: calendulaknown for its healing and soothing properties. Use creams or ointments made from this plant to soothe irritation and help the skin heal.
-What’s more, think about witch hazela natural astringent that can help reduce redness and inflammation.
-Finally, other good soothing and antiseptic remedies include honey in a thin layer or cider vinegar (diluted in equal parts in water) to help balance the skin’s pH and calm discomfort and irritation.