Eggs are a staple in our diet and recipes. Alone, cooked hardthey can even be a small snack on their own. But they can also be very useful in many ways at home. When you know the clever uses that you can make of it, you no longer hesitate to make a place for it in the garden or even in the bathroom and it can even be added to your arsenal of products for cleaning. . Here are 8 examples of incongruous uses that you will like and which will allow you to use up the stock of very fresh eggs that you are hesitant to cook!
1) For a smoothed eye contour

Egg white is very popular in homemade treatments for more mature skin thanks to its tightening and lifting effect, but it can also be useful against dark circles! For an immediate effect that lasts a few hours, take a drop of white for each eye and smooth the skin from the inside out.
2) For the greatest happiness of your plants

If you have cooked eggs, keep the cooking water carefully! It cannot be consumed, but once cooled, it will make beautiful watering water full of calcium for the plants.
3) Eradicate stains on wool

We are always careful when it comes to cleaning wool, as it is a delicate fabric. Have you noticed a stain? Why not try a risk-free tip that works quite well? Put egg white on the stain and leave it to act for a quarter of an hour before rinsing the item of clothing in cold water and washing it as usual.
4) For beautiful leather

It’s surprising, but egg white can revive leather very effectively. To do this, simply whip it until you obtain a medium consistency. Then take a little with a woolen cloth and rub your leather.
5) Hunting blackheads

We have already had the pleasure of explaining to you how to make anti-blackhead patches which have nothing to envy of store-bought ones, but you can also make a very effective mask with an egg white and two tablespoons of starch corn. Apply this paste to areas where your pores are very clogged and dilated and leave for a few minutes before rinsing with lukewarm water.
6) To say “oust” to snails

Snails are very cute, but we don’t want them nosing around in our salads! Collect egg shells and place them around the plants you want to protect from these little invaders. Know that you can use shells in many ways… the proof on this link.
7) To refresh the oil in the fryer

Pour your egg into the hot oil in your fryer and mix well so that it can catch any scraps in the oil. Once the result looks good to you, you can remove the egg and enjoy less messy frying oil!
8) To add shine to your linoleum floor

Want to polish your linoleum in no time? Simply add a previously beaten egg yolk to half a liter of water and use this mixture to clean your floor.
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