In the fall, spiders begin to move into homes to escape the cold. However, we come across them all year round in our interiors! So, it happens that around the corner of the room, we encounter a very hairy beast that makes us shiver from head to toe. Unfortunately, arachnophobia makes it difficult to put your panic fear aside. In fact, we forget that these animals are not harmful and that bites are very rare! On the contrary, the spider is even very useful in our homes. Rather than killing them, it may be helpful to learn how to use a natural trick to repel them from your home. Here are grandmother’s natural solutions to prevent spiders in the event of an invasion.
1. Use chestnuts against spiders

Since it’s almost time, know that chestnuts are known to repel spiders. To use these 100% natural repellents, cut them in half then place them between each entrance as well as in the corners of your house. For more efficiency, also use the second tip.
2. White vinegar for a ready-to-use spray
Get some alcohol vinegar and a spray bottle. Spray white vinegar regularly around the edges of your windows and doors. The smell of it will deter spiders from entering to avoid infestation. This will scare away those who are at home and others who would like to return. This formidable solution is very effective against the proliferation of these unwanted critters among phobics. In addition, it is not toxic unlike a harmful commercial insecticide product, so it is safe for your children and pets.
3. Lavender against spiders and pests
We already knew that lavender helped repel and act as a barrier to “predatory” flying insects or unpleasant pests (against mosquitoes, flies, tick bites, anti-lice, etc.). But it also works against arachnids and therefore against spiders. Just like white vinegar, the smell of lavender repels spiders. All you need to do is place small bouquets of lavender in strategic places or a few drops of lavender essential oil. And in addition to getting rid of it, it will bring a good smell to your home!
4. Alum stone

Works in the same way as white vinegar against these little creatures. Dilute 25 g of alum powder in 250 ml of lukewarm water then spray everything in strategic places in your house.
5. Pieces of cedar as a preventative measure
Place pieces of cedar everywhere in your house: corners, drawers, window sills. Cedar will act as a natural repellent and can also be used against moths in your cupboards!
6. Chestnut leaves
It is one of the plants that repel these little 8-legged creatures. Place chestnut leaves on your windowsills as well as near your entrances. Remember to change them when they are dry.
7. Tomato leaves
Your tomato plants will be put to work once again. And this time, it’s not for an aperitif or as a fly repellent! Place fresh tomato leaves on your windowsills and near your entrances. Remember to change them when they are dry to preserve their preventative power.
8. And finally, fresh mint repellent against spiders

Mint works against ants and many other animals, including spiders. Place a few mint leaves in the corners of your house and near doors and windows. Remember to change them when they are dry. You can also place peppermint essential oil on cotton pads or porous stones! Then place them in busy places and corners. Finally, you can dilute a few drops in water to spray it.
This shows that there is no point in radically eliminating animals just because we are afraid of them with chemicals that are bad for the environment! You just have to fight preventively with techniques to scare them away. We hope these general tips and remedies have been helpful to you.