The fryer is a very popular appliance for all fried dishes and sweets. You can therefore cook your fries in it as well as use it to brown your donuts, churros and other wonders or add a little crunch to your nuggets and spring rolls. However, for intact taste pleasure, you must remember to change the oil, but also to clean the fryer which tends to quickly become stained and dirty. Frying is indeed very fatty cooking which leaves deposits of burnt fat which are very difficult to remove. Fortunately, with all the good grandmother’s tips on hand and the right choice of cleaning product, you can make your greasy small appliances look like new.
In this article, discover economical and ecological tips for successfully maintaining your fryer. Enough to forget about chemical products (like oven degreaser cleaner) which leave residues dangerous to your health (and taste buds!). Remember, however, that before any cleaning, the used oil must be removed. To do this, take it to the recycling center to put it with special household waste.
1) Flour to degrease a fryer before cleaning it
Even after being emptied, the fryer remains full of oil. Also, even by adding the best products to degrease, the fat will still remain very present. This is where flour comes in to remove excess oil from your appliance! This means you don’t have to use paper towels, which is not very environmentally friendly. Generously sprinkle the fryer tray with this powder. This will then absorb the last oily residue. You can then use a wooden spatula to remove the fat, then throw in as much flour as possible. Your fryer will then be ready for cleaning!

2) Dishwashing liquid, a classic for cleaning the fryer
For a very dirty tank, nothing beats a good degreasing dishwashing product ! We start here by pouring boiling water into the tray, then add a dose of dishwashing liquid. Then let it act for a few minutes and empty it. All you have to do is rub with an abrasive sponge to complete the cleaning. If necessary, you can also add baking soda to it. Indeed, the soapy water and bicarbonate duo is merciless on stubborn burnt stains and other stubborn residues. You would therefore be wrong to deprive yourself of combining these household products!
3) Black soap: a good degreaser

This highly effective multi-use product is excellent for cleaning a heavily soiled appliance. To degrease your dirty fryer, pour a little onto your non-abrasive sponge. You can optionally add a little bicarbonate powder here for even greater effectiveness. Next, carefully scrub the inside of the tank with your sponge. The grease will not crease!
4) Soda crystals to intensively clean the fryer
Neither toxic nor dangerous for the environment and easy to find in the household or laundry section of the supermarket, in organic stores or in DIY stores, soda crystals are more corrosive than baking soda. They will therefore have a better efficiency on a very dirty fryer that is difficult to clean. However, you will need to wear gloves to handle them safely. How to use them? Fill the tank with very hot water, then dilute about 100 g of crystals (a generous handful). Leave it on for a few minutes, then rub. Then be sure to rinse your fryer thoroughly and dry it with a clean cloth.
5) Clay stone, the product that we think little about, but which works wonders!
Also called white stone or silver stone, clay stone counts among the most degreasing maintenance products on the market. It is therefore the ideal cleaner for a dirty and greasy fryer. Simply take a little with a damp sponge and rub on all surfaces to be cleaned. Afterwards, be sure to rinse well to remove the white film that this product tends to leave behind.
6) White vinegar

White vinegar is excellent for deodorize stubborn oil odorsbut also for degrease this device difficult to clean that is the fryer! To eliminate greasy residue quickly, add two tablespoons of coarse salt to a glass of white vinegar and warm everything in the microwave. In fact, heated vinegar works even better on dirt. You can then pour this mixture into the tank and scrub with a sponge. Finally, rinse well and dry your device carefully.
Good to know: salty vinegar tends to sting. If you have cuts, remember to put on gloves before washing.
7) L’association sel/bicarbonate
Very effective and eco-friendly, the mixture of salt and bicarbonate will work wonders on encrusted fat. Here you just need to mix them in equal parts, sprinkle them on the walls, then rub carefully. This will help flush out fat. You can then move on to classic washing with dishwashing liquid to complete the cleaning.
8) And to clean the fryer basket and the resistance?

Don’t forget to clean the different parts of your fryer, starting with the basket that collects the food! To do this, we can offer a passage in the dishwasher with the kitchen hood filters. However, if you don’t have one, a simple abrasive sponge and soapy water will do the job well. As for resistance, we advise you to simply use a scrubbing brush.
9) Finally, how to clean the outside of the fryer?
Here you can use fat… to dissolve fat ! This makes it possible to melt the stains and remove them in a single gesture. To do this, pour olive oil into one bowl and baking soda into another. Then, dip a cotton ball into each bowl to soak it with a few drops of oil and a little powder. All you have to do is rub to see the dirt disappear! Bluffing.