Whether acne or chickenpox scars or those left following surgery or any accident, these lesions can be very unsightly, even debilitating or obsessive. Are you looking for a simple and effective remedy that could allow us to erase these unwanted marks? Vegetable oils, culinary ingredients… Here are some natural remedies to help you disappear or at least reduce your unsightly scars without a dermatologist or surgery.
1/ Lemon juice

Lemon juice can help erase scars. In fact, it contains citric acid which is a particularly effective component. Simply apply it quite abundantly to the surface to be treated using a piece of cotton, let it dry for around ten minutes and then rinse with lukewarm water. It is also possible to create a more consistent mixture by adding a little milk to the lemon juice. This treatment should be tried in the evening.
2/ Aloe Vera

It is well known, aloe vera is a true wonder of nature since it has already proven itself for the effective treatment of scars. The plant is able to penetrate the deepest layers of the skin to stimulate the formation of new cells while soothing and hydrating. Applying it daily in any form very often helps to fade the marks. In organic stores or online, you will find rosehip oil. This vegetable oil specifically helps promote skin regeneration. This is why it is excellent against stretch marks… and for making scars disappear!
3/ Olive oil

Olive oil Good quality virgin does not clog pores and cleanses the skin by removing dead cells. You can massage the affected area with a little of this oil, leave it on overnight and rinse the next morning with lukewarm water. This very often helps soften and reduce the scar. It is possible to use olive oil by mixing it with 40 grams of burdock root then macerating the preparation for 15 days and then applying it daily to the skin using a cotton pad.