According to some, the natural tips of yesteryear are not worth much compared to chemical products. However, to combat the everyday stains that adorn our clothes, our linens and our sofas, the natural ingredients prized by our grandmothers remain among the best possible solutions and have no reason to be ashamed of their effectiveness! Here are 9 to add to your arsenal to counteract marks in an economical and natural way. If you’re looking for a natural stain remover to remove stubborn stains, you’ve come to the right place!
1) White vinegar for all stains

It is one of the best in the field and can be used without fear on almost all stubborn stains that appear on our textiles (wine, coffee, fruit, foundation or lipstick, cat or dog pee, etc.) as long as the fabric is not too fragile like those made of cellulose acetate whose fibers could be damaged. This is the perfect product for removing stains from upholstery. In addition, it has a deodorizing effect which helps eliminate any unpleasant odors embedded in the fibers (its own odor disappears quickly). We advise you to dilute it a little in water or better yet, sparkling water. Rub the stain and rinse quickly to avoid the appearance of marks.
2) Lemon juice on tissues that do not fear anything

Like vinegar, it is not used not too much on more fragile fabrics which could be damaged. On others, it can be of great help on difficult tasks such as tomato, rust or sweat marks. Simply boil some lemon juice and add a little salt to it. Then rub the stain with this mixture and wash, carefully following the label’s temperature recommendations. The stain should quickly become a bad memory.
3) Bicarbonate for recent and older stains

Baking soda is a champion in all categories against stains ! With it, you will eradicate all traces, even if they are blood or oil, and it also helps eliminate any strong odors that accompany certain difficult stains (blood stains, urine, vomit, wine, tomato sauce, etc.). ). It is often compared to vinegar for its powerful power. However, its little extra is thatit does not risk damaging the fabric or leaving a mark. Plus, clothes that require dry cleaning are crazy! It is used simply by sprinkling it on the stains, leaving it to act and rubbing with a damp cloth. After washing in the washing machine (with bicarbonate in the washing water for greater effectiveness on stubborn stains), you should no longer see any traces.
4) Marseille soap for effortless cleaning

It is often the main ingredient in homemade laundry detergent recipes and that is not by chance! It is extremely effective in removing coffee, chocolate, blood stains or any stains that our children get on their clothes (glue, ice cream, etc.). And he suitable for delicate laundry ! On the other hand, you have to choose a real quality soap to hope to benefit from all its properties, so beware of imitation blades. Turn your garment inside out and rub your damp soap onto the stain. After a night in a basin of cold water, a machine wash will finish the job. Hot water should be avoided on stains to avoid cooking them. For a butter stain, however, use a dry soap and leave it to act overnight.
5) Black soap, a friend of leather and an easy natural stain remover

For fragile clothes, it will not do the trick at all. But fortunately, most common clothes will love this multi-talented soap. Its effectiveness and ease of use mean that Grandma always keeps some in the laundry room. Take a closer look: just rub a small amount on the stain before putting the garment in the washing machine! You can also combine it with bicarbonate to create a homemade pre-wash stain remover special for encrusted stains (wine stains, greasy stains, etc.). It is also a ally on leather which it removes stains and preserves while providing shine: put some on a damp cloth and rub the stains on your favorite handbag or your perfecto. Also consider beef gall soap for stubborn greasy or old stains.
6) The land of Sommières against fat
Son phenomenal absorption power makes it a valuable tool for cleaning clothes. With it, you will no longer have to fear oil splash stains when preparing the evening meal or the buttered toast in the morning that lands on your clothes because of your clumsy movements due to a difficult awakening. Plus, this eco-friendly product removes stains without being toxic and that’s what we love! Apply it in a layer on the greasy stain after absorbing most of it with paper towels. Leave it on and vacuum up the powder or scrub with a brush.
7) Hydrogen peroxide, a natural stain remover for all kinds of stains

Hydrogen peroxide can be used on fabrics to loosen them. For this, we recommend that at 3% and do a test in an invisible corner to check that it does not rub off if you are afraid of it. This will work wonders on egg, wine, beetroot stains, but also on your haloed tops
8) The classic vegetable glycerin
In homemade laundry recipes, we find the Marseille soap mentioned above, but also often vegetable glycerin which is a natural all-terrain stain remover little used and yet very effective. Wherever it goes, stains from tea, coffee, citrus fruits, juice… disappear! Mix it with water and rub the stains directly with this preparation. After an hour of installation, all you have to do is wash without fear of finding stains on the linens after these operations.
9) Hot milk, a natural stain remover against ink stains

The start of the school year is now behind us, but we cannot resist closing this article by discussing the most appropriate technique for dealing with ink stains (the same stains that our children can sometimes bring home from school due to inattention or stupid behavior with their classmates). Dip these stains in hot milk and it will help dissolve them. This technique will also work on wine stains. Milk is therefore not a natural stain remover strictly speaking, but it can be used on certain stains!