This cleaning product is dangerous for health and the environment. It can also be very easily replaced by other less harmful household products. However, we also read a lot of the tips that our readers share on our Facebook publications. Very often, we see the return of practices even more dangerous than the simple use of this toxic, harmful and corrosive product. You love it and you don’t plan to give it up any time soon? So, here are the things you should never do again or clean with bleach!
May this list of mistakes save you from household accidents that happen very often with bleach.
Mistake 1: Bleaching laundry with bleach

We know it well: bleach has the effect of fading colors. However, white is also one and your white clothes and linens risk therefore to turn yellow on contact. As a replacement, you can use sodium percarbonate. This powder is the most effective natural whitening active ingredient on the market. You can buy it in supermarkets, organic stores or DIY stores.
Mistake 2: Washing with bleach

If this is one of the things not to do, it’s because bleach does not contain any surfactants. In short: it has no cleaning power. Its properties are only to deodorize and disinfect. Also, they should only be used after cleaning a surface. Otherwise, you will just bleach the stains and they will come back just as quickly. Also remember to rinse the surfaces that have been in contact with it well.
Mistake 3: Using it when you have a septic tank

This may seem logical, but having already received messages from readers who have made this mistake, we might as well include it in this list of things not to do with bleach. The problem here is twofold. Already, the bleach will prevent the pit from working. And what’s more, it will destroy the bacteria necessary for purifying the water in the pit. In short, if you use bleach on it, it will be completely ruined!
Mistake 4: Mixing it with hot water or boiling it

If we had to remember only one piece of information among the things not to do with bleach, we would say it would be this one and mistake number 5! Indeed, the trick of boiling bleach in a burnt pan to clean it is well known. However, heat deactivates its active ingredient and bleach will then release extremely toxic gases. And we say it clearly: ventilation will not be enough to protect you from it. You risk lifelong damage to your eyes, lungs, mucous membranes and you can burn your skin. The gases released can cause discomfort, or even worse, in very fragile people… No household chore is worth putting your life or that of your family in danger! In addition, there is no shortage of non-dangerous alternatives… Bleach can (and must), however, be diluted in cold water.